The Committee on Education and Workforce Development has scheduled a meeting to receive testimony on the following:
OPENING REMARKS/STATEMENTS                                                         10:00 A.M – 10:15 A.M.
Block I                                                                                                        10:15 A.M – 12:15 P.M.
The committee will receive testimony regarding the status of all curriculum mandates, as per
Title 17, of the Virgin Islands Code, Sections 41, 41b, 41c, and 48 from the Virgin Islands Department of Education and the Virgin Islands Board of Education; the status of the teaching agriculture in the classrooms, as per Title 17, Virgin Islands Code, Section 41f, from the Virgin Islands Department of Education, Virgin Islands Department of Agriculture and the University of the Virgin Islands; the status of the implementation of Act 8374 as it relates to the development of a sustainable career and technical program for public high school students who have selected a vocational career path from the Virgin Islands Board of Career and Technical Education and the Virgin Islands Department of Education and the status of the Emergency Medical Services Program as per Title 17, Virgin Islands Code, Section 17 V.I.C. 41i from the Virgin Islands Department of Health and the Virgin Islands Board of Career and Technical Education
Invited Testifier:
The Honorable Racquel Berry Benjamin, Commissioner Virgin Islands Department of Education
Dr. Kyza Callwood, Chairman Virgin Islands Board of Education
Dr. Michael T. Francois, Chairman Virgin Islands Board for Career & Technical Education
Rosa-Soto Thomas, President, St. Croix Federation of Teachers AFT Local 182
Leontyne Jones, President, St. Thomas-St. John Federation of Teachers AFT Local 1825
Dr. David Hall, President, University of the Virgin Islands
The Honorable Justa E. Encarnacion, Commissioner, Virgin Islands Department of Health
The Honorable Positive T.A. Nelson, Commissioner Virgin Islands Department of Agriculture
BREAK                                                                                                               12:15 P.M. – 12:45 P.M.
Block II                                                                                                             12:45 P.M – 2:30 P.M.
The committee will receive testimony on the following bill:
Bill No. 34-0238   An Act amending Title 17 Virgin Islands, chapter 5, section 41(c), relating to courses of study in public schools to require that the Virgin Islands and Caribbean history be taught specifically in Kindergarten through 12th grade and for other purposes
Invited Testifier:
The Honorable Racquel Berry Benjamin, Commissioner Virgin Islands Department of Education
Dr. Kyza Callwood, Chairman Virgin Islands Board of Education
Kai Nielsen, CEO, Virgin Islands Collaborative Solutions LLC
Rosa-Soto Thomas, President, St. Croix Federation of Teachers AFT Local 1826
Leontyne Jones, President St. Thomas-St. John Federation of Teachers AFT Local 1825
Block III                                                                                                            2:45 P.M – 3:45 P.M.
The committee will receive testimony on the ICF contracts and the status of workforce development; an update on the Skills for Today workforce development program; a status update on the apprenticeship programs and an update on the status and implementation of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Virgin Islands State Plan
Invited Testifier:
The Honorable Gary Molloy, Commissioner, Virgin Islands Department of Labor
Michael Carty, Chairman, Virgin Islands Workforce Development Board
Dayna Clendinen, Interim Director, Virgin Islands Housing Finance Authority
William Trumbull, Vice President, ICF Incorporated LLC
Dr. Suzanne Darrow-Magras, UVI Cell Director & Chairwoman, Virgin Islands State Apprenticeship Council
Kai Nielsen, CEO, Virgin Islands Collaborative Solutions LLC