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Health, Hospital and Human Services
The jurisdiction of the Committee on Health, Hospitals, and Human Services encompasses, and the Committee shall:
(1) receive, consider, and make recommendations on all bills relating to public health, mental health, programs for substance abuse, sanitation, pest control, hospitals, medical services, pharmacies medical schools, nursing schools and nursing programs, human services, and all matters pertaining them;
(2) receive, consider, and make recommendations on all bills relating to the Hospital Board, Board of Nurse Licensure, Board of Medical Examiners, Board of Medicine, Board of Surgery, Board of Naturopathic Physicians, Board of Dental Examiners, Board of Pharmacy, Board of Optometry, Board of Physical Therapy, Board of Chiropractic Examiners, Board of Podiatry, Board of Examiners for the Practice of Veterinary Medicine, Board of Psychology Examiners, and the Board of Licensed Counselors and Examiners, and the Board of Social Work Licensure;
(3) receive, consider, and make recommendations on all bills relating to ambulatory care urgent care, and vocational rehabilitation programs;
(4) receive and consider bills relating to day care programs, foster care and placement of children, adult social services, public assistance and other social welfare programs;
(5) receive, consider, and make recommendations on all bills relating aging, gerontology, senior citizens and programs and protective services for senior citizens and persons with disabilities;
(6) receive, consider and make recommendations on bills relating to any other board, commission or agency whose operation or nature of business is relevant to the operation of the Committee on Health, Hospitals, and Human Services.
Committee Calendar
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