Leia LaPlace-Matthew
The Committee of the Whole
THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE – OFFICIAL AGENDA  The Thirty-Fifth Legislature will convene in a Committee of the Whole Hearing to receive testimony on the following zonings: BLOCK I Bill No. 35-0309         An Act amending Official Zoning Map No. SJZ-1 for the island...
The Committee of the Whole/Regular Session
The Thirty-Fifth Legislature will convene into the Committee of the Whole to receive testimony on the following: Bill No. 35-0259Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â An Act amending the Official Zoning Map No. STZ-4 for the island of St. Thomas to change the zoning designation of...
Committee of the Whole
The Thirty-Fifth Legislature will convene in a Committee of the Whole Hearing to receive testimony on the following zoning requests: Bill No. 35-0244Â Â Â Â Â Â Â An Act amending Official Zoning Map No. SCZ-10 to rezone Plots No. 126A, 126B, 126C, 126CA, 127E Combined, and...
The Committee of the Whole
The Thirty-Fifth Legislature will convene in a Committee of the Whole Hearing to receive testimony on the following zoning requests:Â Bill No. 35-0137Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â An Act granting a use variance for Parcel No. 9-3 Estate Glucksberg, Nos. 22, Cruz Bay Quarter, St. John,...
Committee of the Whole
The Thirty-Fifth Legislature will convene in a Committee of the Whole Hearing to receive testimony on the following CZM and zoning requests: Â The Thirty-Fifth Legislature will convene in a Committee of the Whole Hearing to receive testimony on a minor CZM permit,...
Committee of the Whole
The Thirty-Fifth Legislature will convene in a Committee of the Whole Hearing to receive testimony on the following CZM and zoning requests: Bill No. 35-0199 An Act ratifying the Governor’s approval of Minor Coastal Zone Permit No. CZX-22-22W issued to Joel Ureta for...
The Committee of the Whole
The Thirty-Fifth Legislature will convene in a Committee of the Whole Hearing to receive testimony on the following zoning requests: Bill No.35-0189 An Act granting a zoning variance from the R-1 (Residential-Low Density) zoning designation for Plot No. 9A and Parcel...
Committee of the Whole/Regular Session/ REVISED I
REGULAR SESSION - OFFICIAL AGENDA Time: 10:00 A.M. Call to Order: Honorable Novelle E. Francis, Jr. Senate President Invocation: Reverend Charles L. Brown, Jr. Chaplain Anthems: National Anthem and Virgin Islands March Roll Call: Honorable Carla J. Joseph Legislative...
The Committee of the Whole
THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE – OFFICIAL AGENDA Time: 10:00 A.M. Call to Order: Honorable Novelle E. Francis, Jr. Senate President Honorable Marvin A. Blyden Vice-President Roll Call: Journal Clerk The Thirty-Fifth Legislature will convene in a Committee of the...
Committee of the Whole
The Thirty-Fourth Legislature’s Committee of the Whole will reconvene on Thursday, December 16, 2021 to receive testimony on the following Zoning Map Amendment Applications: BLOCK I ZAJ-21-1: Jennifer Blake and Jason Callwood (authorized agent Brian...
The 34th Legislature will convene in Committee of the Whole on Friday, March 11, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. in the Frits E. Lawaetz Legislative Conference Room on St. Croix to receive testimony on the following zoning map amendment applications:  BLOCK I...