The Committee of the Whole/Regular Session
The Thirty-Fifth Legislature will convene into the Committee of the Whole to receive testimony on the following:
Bill No. 35-0259 An Act amending the Official Zoning Map No. STZ-4 for the island of St. Thomas to change the zoning designation of Plots No. 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, and 109 Estate Nisky (Subbase), St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, from C (Commercial) to P (Public) zoning
Invited Testifiers:
Honorable Jean-Pierre L. Oriol, Commissioner, Department of Planning and Natural Resources
Leia LaPlace-Matthew, Territorial Planner, Department of Planning and Natural Resources
Wynnie Testamark, Director, VI Bureau of Corrections
Bill No. 35-0281 An Act amending the Official Zoning Map No. SJZ-1 for the island of St. John to change the zoning designation of Parcel Nos. 17F-2 and 17F-Remainder Estate Adrian, No. 18 Cruz Bay Quarter, St. John, Virgin Islands, from R-1 (Residential-Low Density) to R-4 (Residential-Medium Density)
Invited Testifiers:
Honorable Jean-Pierre L. Oriol, Commissioner, Department of Planning and Natural Resources
Leia LaPlace-Matthew, Territorial Planner, Department of Planning and Natural Resources
Gershwain Sprauve, Applicant
Chaneel Callwood, Representative
Bill No. 35-0308 An Act amending Official Zoning Map No. SJZ-7, St. John, Virgin Islands, to rezone Parcel No. 294 Estate Contant and Enighed, Cruz Bay Quarter, St. John from R-4 (Residential-Medium Density) to B-2 (Business-Secondary/Neighborhood)
Invited Testifiers:
Honorable Jean-Pierre L. Oriol, Commissioner, Department of Planning and Natural Resources
Leia LaPlace-Matthew, Territorial Planner, Department of Planning and Natural Resources
Roosevelt St. C. David, Applicant
The Thirty-Fifth Legislature will then reconvene into Legislative Session to consider the following:
Messages and/or Correspondences:
Committee Reports:
Chairperson of Standing Committees
Magistrate Ernest E. Morris, Jr.
Judge Nominee, Superior Court of the Virgin Islands, District of St. Croix
Harith Wickrema
Nominee, Virgin Islands Virgin Islands Conservation District, St. John
Bill No. 35-0284 An Act approving the lease agreement between the Government of the Virgin Islands, acting through its Commissioner of the Department of Property and Procurement and Role Enterprises, Inc., d/b/a Best Car Rental, Parcel No. 294 Estate Contant and Enighed, Cruz Bay Quarter, St. John, Virgin Islands for the continued operation of a car and jeep rental business, and for other related purposes
Bill No. 35-0294 An Act approving the lease agreement between the Government of the Virgin Islands and Banco Popular de Puerto Rico for a portion of Lot No. 48b Norre Gade, Kings Quarter, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands
Bill No. 35-0195 A Resolution honoring and commending Mr. Willard John for his many contributions to the youth and the culture of the Virgin Islands
Bill No. 35-0239 An Act honoring and commending Mrs. Claire Lorraine Brown Roker for her dedicated service to the Virgin Islands community by naming the visitors center at the Ann E. Abramson Marine Facility, St. Croix, Virgin Islands, the “Claire L. Roker Visitors Center”
Bill No. 35-0242 A Resolution honoring and commending Miguel Santos, Jr., aka “DJ Poppy Pops” for his contributions in the field of music and in radio broadcasting of musical events and local social musical events and specifically contributing to the art of deejaying and the teaching of deejaying
Bill No. 35-0229 An Act honoring and commending the Eighth elected Governor of the Virgin Islands, Kenneth Ezra Mapp for his years of service to the people of the Virgin Islands and naming Route 75 on the island of St. Croix from Bassin Triangle intersection at Route 70, Estate Richmond and ending at Krausse’s Lagune the “Gov. Kenneth E. Mapp Highway” appropriating $45,000 from the General Fund of the Treasury of the Government of the Virgin Islands to the Department of Public Works to implement the mandates of this Act, to bestow the Virgin Islands Medal of Honor on Kenneth Ezra Mapp and for other related purposes
Bill No. 35-0240 An Act transferring the administration of the Government Insurance Fund from the Commissioner of the Virgin Islands Department of Finance to the Commissioner of Virgin Islands Department of Labor and amending various sections of title 24 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 11 to facilitate better recovery for injury or disease that arises out of and in the course of employment in the Virgin Islands under the Workers’ Compensation Administration, and to ensure that workers entitled to Workers’ Compensation benefits receive medical, rehabilitation services, and disability compensation without undue delay by merging the benefits and payment components of the Workers’ Compensation Insurance Program
Bill No. 35-0262 An Act appropriating $1,434,950 in Fiscal Year 2024 from the Community Facilities Trust Fund for the pre-construction soft cost funding to prepare the Charlotte Amalie Harbor for dredging
Bill No. 35-0269 An Act amending title 2 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 1 by adding a section 10 providing a penalty for the commission of perjury in proceedings before the Legislature of the Virgin Islands