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ST. THOMAS- Members of the 35th Legislature, led by Senate President Novelle E. Francis, Jr., convened in a meeting at the Capitol Building. Lawmakers voted in the affirmative for several bills, including the governor’s requests, leases, zonings, resolutions, and bills. All approved items will be forwarded to the Governor for further action.
The Full Body rose out of Legislative Session and into the Committee of the Whole to further vet the following:

• Bill No. 35-0072-An Act ratifying the Governor’s approval of Major Coastal Zone Management Permit No. CZT-03-20 (L&W) issued to SVB 155 SPRING LLC, D/B/A Independent Boatyard and Marina
• Bill No. 35-0063 An Act approving the conveyance by the Virgin Islands Port Authority to the University of the Virgin Islands of Tract E, Parcel 72 Estate Lindbergh Bay, 4A Southside Quarter, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, in exchange for the University of the Virgin Islands conveyance to the Virgin Islands Port Authority of Parcel No. 66-5 Estate Lindberg Bay St. Thomas, Virgin Islands

Senator Francis expressed that it is a win-win situation for the Virgin Islands Port Authority, the University of the Virgin Islands, and most importantly, the people of the Virgin Islands. “The bigger picture being sought is the development of an aviation school offered at the University of the Virgin Islands. The program will attract new students who will have the opportunity to become trained pilots and be certified. Collectively, lawmakers mentioned that collaboration is very forward-thinking and beneficial to all parties involved. Upon concluding the Committee of the Whole, lawmakers rose back into Legislative Session and voted on nominations, leases, zonings, and bills.

Policymakers voted favorably for the following nominations:
• Luther F. Renee, Virgin Islands Casino Control Commission
• Aaron Hutchins, Virgin Islands Territorial Park Board of Trustees
• Celestino A. White, Sr. Re-nomination, Virgin Islands Port Authority Governing Board
• Willard John Re-nomination, Virgin Islands Port Authority Governing Board
• Carol Thomas-Jacobs, Esq. Virgin Islands Superior Court Judge, St. Thomas District

Separately, senators voted in the affirmative for the following leases and zonings:
• Bill No. 35-0017- An Act approving the Lease Agreement between the Government of the Virgin Islands, acting through its Commissioner of the Department of Property and Procurement, and Suntech Group, Inc. d/b/a St. Thomas Gas for Parcel No. 4 Submarine Base, No. 6, Southside Quarter, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, consisting of approximately 27, 732.393 U.S. sq. ft. or 0.637 U.S. acre as shown on P.W.D. File No. D9-1426-T78 to be used for the purpose of operating a trucking, transportation, delivery, and retail business of bottled propane gas, and for no other purpose
• Bill No. 35-0018- An Act approving the Lease Agreement between the Government of the Virgin Islands, acting through its Commissioner of the Department of Property and Procurement, and A-9 Trucking Enterprises, Inc. and Sarnelli Bros., (V.I.) Inc. d/b/a V.I. Recycling Company
• Bill No. 35-0019- An Act approving the lease agreement between the Government of the Virgin Islands, acting through its Commissioner of the Department of Property and Procurement and the Virgin Islands Telephone Corporation, d/b/a VIYA, for a portion of a telecommunication tower and bunker in Building No. 1, Suite 2, Parcel No. 6 Recovery Hill, Company Quarter, St. Croix, Virgin Islands, consisting of a telecommunications tower and a 9’ x 8’ room and bunker, zoned P, for the establishment and operation of wireless link connections and to house associated equipment in the 9 x 8 bunker, and for no other purposes whatsoever
• Bill No. 35-0021- An Act amending the Official Zoning Map No. SCZ-7 for the island of St. Croix to change the zoning designation of Plot Nos. 102-A Remainder, 102-B, and 102-C Estate Hermon Hill, Company Quarter, St. Croix, Virgin Islands, from R-3 (Residential-Medium Density) to P (Public)
• Bill No. 35-0022- An Act granting a zoning use variance for Plot No. 2-137 Estate Sion Hill, Queens Quarter, St. Croix, Virgin Islands, from the R-2 (Residential-Low Density-One and Two Family) to allow for a beauty salon.
• Bill No. 35-0023- An Act granting a zoning use variance from the B-2 (Business-Secondary/Neighborhood) zoning designation to Plot Nos. 50-1 and 50-4 Estate Orange Grove, Company Quarter, St. Croix, Virgin Islands to allow for the manufacture of concrete products
• Bill No. 35-0024- An Act granting a zoning use variance for Parcel No. 5C Estate Anna’s Retreat No. 1 New Quarter, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, to allow for dwelling
• Bill No. 35-0025- An Act approving the Lease Agreement between the Government of the Virgin Islands Department of Property and Procurement and Anthony Isaac d/b/a Ace Trucking and Trash Removal
• Bill No. 35-0040- An Act granting a zoning variance for Parcels Nos. A1-24 & A1-25 Estate Thomas, No. 6K New Quarter, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands to allow an office, 2 one-bedroom apartments, flex space, gym, 13 parking spaces (1 handicapped) cistern and grey water cistern and accessory building for generator and garage space
• Bill No. 35-0052- An Act amending Official Zoning Map No. SJZ-3 for the island of St. John to change the zoning designation of Parcel No. 14 Rem Estate Carolina, Coral Bay Quarter, St. John from R-2 (Residential-Low Density-One and Two Family) to B-2 (Business-Secondary/Neighborhood)
• Bill No. 35-0053- An Act granting a zoning use variance for Parcel No. 84 Estate Contant, No. 7B, Southside Quarter, St. Thomas Virgin Islands from the R-3 (Residential-Medium Density) zoning designation to allow for offices
• Bill No. 35-0063- An Act approving the conveyance by the Virgin Islands Port Authority to the University of the Virgin Islands of Tract E, Parcel 72 Estate Lindbergh Bay, 4A Southside Quarter, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, in exchange for the University of the Virgin Islands’ conveyance to the Virgin Islands Port Authority of Parcel No. 66-5 Estate Lindberg Bay St. Thomas, Virgin Islands
• Bill No. 35-0072- An Act ratifying the Governor’s approval of Major Coastal Zone Management Permit No. CZT-03-20 (L&W) issued to SVB 155 SPRING LLC, D/B/A Independent Boatyard and Marina

Moreover, Senators voted on the following Resolutions:
• Bill No. 35-0006- An Act honoring and commending former Senator George E. Goodwin for his many years of expansive contributions to the Virgin Islands community as a whole, through his roles in various areas of service to the territory as well as an advocation for social justice for underserved people in the Virgin Islands; to rename that Cricket Field located on Parcel H of Tract 1, Estate Nazareth, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands in his honor; and to award former Senator George E. Goodwin the Virgin Islands Medal of Honor; and for other related purposes
• Bill No. 35-0007- A Resolution honoring and commending Mr. Boyd “Boyzie” Orlanzo Todman for his many contributions to the people and the youth of the Virgin Islands
• Bill No. 35-0010- An Act honoring and commending Mr. Aloy “Wenty” Nielsen for his years of service to the Virgin Islands community and naming the Christiansted Bypass in his honor; making a $10,000 appropriation from the General Fund for signage at Aloy Nielsen Bypass and for other related purposes
• Bill No. 35-0011- An Act honoring and commending former Senator Horace A. Callwood, Sr. posthumously for his dedication, service, and commitment to the people of the Virgin Islands and naming the north-south street immediately east of Windward Passage in his memory
• Bill No. 35-0071- An Act honoring and commending Kelly L. Charleswell, Sr. better known as “Pupa Kelly” for his contribution to the people of the Virgin Islands in the field of music as a teacher and instructor in the Public School system and his involvement with the musical bands of the Virgin Islands

Lastly, lawmakers voted and approved the following bills:
• Bill No. 35-0009- An Act amending Title 1 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 11, section 171(a) relating to the observance of national holidays and enacting The Juneteenth National Independence Day Act to declare June 19 a legal holiday in the Virgin Islands
• Bill No. 35-0026- An Act amending Title 22 Virgin Islands Code relating to insurers becoming members of a Federal Home Loan Bank and matters relating thereto
• Bill No. 35-0049- An Act amending Title 7, chapter 1, of the Virgin Islands Code by adding subchapter VIII, establishing a Local Food and Farm Council in accordance with mandate five of the Virgin Islands Agricultural Plan
• Bill No. 35-0068- An Act authorizing the members of the Board of Medical Examiners to serve temporarily as de facto board members of boards established under Title 3 Virgin Islands Code, section 415 if a board does not have enough members to establish a quorum
• Bill No. 35-0042- An Act amending the Rules of the 35th Legislature of the Virgin Islands, Rule 205 (a), by removing the provision that a minority caucus must consist of not less than five Senators
• Bill No. 35-0009- An Act amending Title 1 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 11, section 171(a) relating to the observance of national holidays and enacting The Juneteenth National Independence Day Act to declare June 19 a legal holiday in the Virgin Islands
• Bill No. 35-0026- An Act amending Title 22 Virgin Islands Code relating to insurers becoming members of a Federal Home Loan Bank and matters relating thereto
• Bill No. 35-0049- An Act amending Title 7, chapter 1, of the Virgin Islands Code by adding subchapter VIII, establishing a Local Food and Farm Council in accordance with mandate five of the Virgin Islands Agricultural Plan
• Bill No. 35-0068- An Act authorizing the members of the Board of Medical Examiners to serve temporarily as de facto board members of boards established under Title 3 Virgin Islands Code, section 415 if a board does not have enough members to establish a quorum
• Bill No. 35-0042- An Act amending the Rules of the 35th Legislature of the Virgin Islands, Rule 205 (a), by removing the provision that a minority caucus must consist of not less than five Senators
• Bill No. 35-0050- An Act amending the Virgin Islands Code, Title 3, chapter 7, by designating the existing provisions as subchapter I and adding a subchapter II establishing the Bureau of School Construction and Maintenance within the Virgin Islands Department of Education for budgetary purposes; amending title 33, chapter 11, section 3092a, changing the Education Maintenance Fund to the School Construction, Maintenance, and Capital Fund; and making an appropriation of $2,000,000 and an appropriation of $5,500,000 from the Virgin Islands Education Initiative Fund to the School Construction, Maintenance, and Capital Fund and an appropriation and for other related purposes
• Bill No. 35-0054- An Act amending Title 1 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 7, section 103b, relating to the Centennial Treasures Award, to provide for a single, lumpsum award payment (non-germane amendments moved from Bill No. 35-0050)
• Bill No. 35-0055- An Act amending Title 17 of the Virgin Islands Code pertaining to the school curriculum in elementary and secondary schools Bill No. 35-0061 An Act directing the Virgin Islands Inspector General to conduct an audit of the Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority; making a $250,000 appropriation to conduct the audit; and for other related purposes
• Bill No. 35-0070- An Act authorizing the Governor to utilize monies from public funds of the Virgin Islands to create working capital to provide funds for any purpose for which the Government is authorized to use and expend monies, including but not limited to, current expenses, capital expenditures, and discharge of any obligations of the Government for the next three fiscal years, beginning with 2023 and to issue a line of credit in the maximum amount of $150,000,000 and issue tax anticipation notes to provide funding for the authorized governmental operation

Senators attending Friday’s legislative session: Novelle E. Francis, Jr., Donna A. Frett-Gregory, Angel L. Bolques, Franklin D. Johnson, Samuel Carrión, Carla J. Joseph, Javan E. James, Marvin A. Blyden, Alma Francis Heyliger, Dwayne M. DeGraff, Samuel Carrion, Marise C. James, Kenneth L. Gittens, Diane T. Capehart, and Milton E. Potter. ###

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