The Committee on Rules and the Judiciary has scheduled a meeting for Thursday January 27, 2022, at 9:30 a.m. in the Earle B. Ottley Legislative Hall on St. Thomas to consider the following:
Block I:
Bill No. 34-0152        An Act amending title 27 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 7, section 261, relating to the boards of examiners for trades and crafts, to change the number of members on the boards
Invited Testifiers:
Richard Evangelista, Commissioner, Department of Licensing & Consumer Affairs
Nathalie Hodge, Asst. Commissioner Department of Licensing & Consumer Affairs
Geraldine Vaval, Esq., General Counsel Department of Licensing & Consumer Affairs
Sonia Boyce, Executive Director, VI Workforce Development Board
Julio U.B. King
Block II:
Bill No. 34-0156        An Act amending title 15 Virgin Islands Code, part 1, relating to decedents estates by adding chapter 1A enacting the “Virgin Islands Uniform Electronic Wills Actâ€Â
Invited Testifiers:
Troy A. de Chabert-Schuster, State Director, AARP Virgin Islands
Alisha Udhwani, Esq. President V.I. Bar Association
Tom Bolt, Esq. BoltNagi PC
Block III:
Bill No. 34-0087        An Act providing for a Complete Streets Policy and creating a Complete Streets Task Force within the Department of Public Works to aid in the development and implementation of strategies to increase the usability of all streets for all modes of travel for citizens of all ages and abilities in the Virgin Islands.
Bill No. 34-0096        An Act amending title 3 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 1 by adding a section 27j, establishing the Virgin Islands Virtual Information System; and providing for other related purposes.
Block IV:
Bill No. 34-0090        An Act amending title 3 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 25, subchapter V, section 570 relating to the Career Incentive Program for peace officers to extend the program to all peace officers identified in title 5 Virgin Islands Code, section 3561(a).
Bill No. 34-0146        An Act acknowledging and commending the memory of Mary Thomas, Axeline Salomon, Mathilde McBean, Susanna Abramson, and other estate laborers before, during, and after the Labor Uprising of 1878 or “Fireburn†and their courageous pursuit of human rights, freedom from serfdom variant, and improvement of labor conditions in the former Danish West Indies, and condemning the excessive, cruel, and unjust punishment meted out to the laborers by the Danish government.
Bill No. 34-0157        A Resolution honoring and commending Gloria H. Canegata Waterman for her outstanding years of service to the Virgin Islands community as an educator and public servant through various organizations.
Bill No. 34-0174        A Resolution commending the Ivanna Eudora Kean High School on St. Thomas, Virgin Islands on the occasion of the commemoration of its 50th Year Anniversary (1971-2021) and acknowledging the many accomplishments of the administrators, teachers, and students.
Bill No. 34-0182        An Act amending title 31 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 1, section 4, relating to the naming of real and personal property of the Government of the Virgin Islands after persons, to exempt the University of the Virgin Islands from the requirement of obtaining legislative approval before naming any property of the University of the Virgin Islands for the sole purpose of allowing fundraising by the University and exchange for and recognition of significant financial bequests or endowments