Committee on Government Operations, Veterans Affairs, and Consumer Protection
The Committee on Government Operations, Veterans Affairs, and Consumer Protection has scheduled a meeting for 10:00 a.m. on Monday, December 18, 2023 in the Frits E. Lawaetz Legislative Conference Room on St. Croix. The purpose of the meeting is to receive testimony and consider the following legislative measures:
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
The Committee will receive testimony concerning
Bill No. 35-0116 A Resolution honoring and commending Lieutenant Colonel Leayle Gerard Galiber for his leadership in the Virgin Islands National Guard and his dedication to his country and to the people of the Virgin Islands
Invited Testifiers:
LTC Dante P. Galiber, MD, FACC, Retired
The Honorable Gregory Francis, Former Lt. Governor of the Virgin Islands
LTC Beresford Edwards, Retired
11:30 AM – 2:00 PM
The Committee will receive testimony concerning
Bill No. 35-0058 An Act amending title 29 Virgin Islands Code, by adding a chapter 25 to enact The Public-Private Partnership Agreement Act.
Invited Testifiers:
The Honorable Derek A. Gabriel, Commissioner, Department of Public Works
Mr. Carlton Dowe, Executive Director, V.I. Port Authority
Mr. Wayne Biggs, CEO, V.I. Economic Development Authority
Mr. John Wessel, President, GEC, LLC
The Honorable Lisa Alejandro, Commissioner. Department of Property and Procurement
Mr. Rodger Merritt, Executive Director, V.I. Waste Management Authority
Mr. Andrew Smith, CEO/Executive Director, V.I. Water and Power Authority
Mr. Robert Graham, Executive Director, V.I. Housing Authority
Ms. Dayna Clendinen, Interim Executive Director, V.I. Housing Finance Authority
Mr. Clifford Graham, Partner, Jackson Development Company, LLC
Mr. Robert Jackson, Managing Partner, Jackson Development Company, LLC
Mr. Eric Cusin, Vice-president, J. Benton Construction, LLC
The Honorable Dionne Wells-Hedrington, Ph.D., Commissioner, Department of Education
Mrs. Jennifer Matarangas-King, Vice President, of Public Relations, and Governmental Affairs, VIYA
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM
BLOCK III 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM
The Committee will receive testimony on the operations of the Virgin Islands Taxicab Commission including but not limited to enabling law and jurisdiction, current department challenges, and plan of action to resolve challenges.
Invited Testifiers:
Ms. Vernice Gumbs, Executive Director, Virgin Islands Taxicab Commission
Ms. Loretta Lloyd, Chairwoman, Virgin Islands Taxicab Commission Board