11 Oct
Committee on Culture, Youth, Aging, Sports and Parks
Friday, Frits E. Lawaetz Legislative Conference Room
The 34th Legislature will convene in Committee of the Whole on Wednesday, March 16, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. in the Earle B. Ottley Legislative Chambers on St. Thomas to receive testimony on the following:
BLOCK I – Zoning Map Amendment Applications
ZAJ-22-1        Karris Moses (authorized agent, Jennifer Jones) requesting that Parcel No. 12 Estate Susannaberg, No. 17A Cruz Bay Quarter, St. John be rezoned from P (Public) to R-3 (Residential-Medium Density).
Invited Testifiers:
Karris Moses (authorized agent, Jennifer Jones), Applicant
Honorable Jean-Pierre L. Oriol, Commissioner, Department of Planning and Natural Resources
Leia LaPlace-Matthew, Territorial Planner, Division of Comprehensive and Coastal Zone Planning, Department of Planning and Natural Resources
ZAT-22-1       Red Hook Hill (authorized agent Chaneel Callwood-Daniels) requesting that Parcel No. 13 & 14-A Estate Frydenhoj, No. 3 Red Hook Quarter, St. Thomas be rezoned from R-2 (Residential-Low Density-One and Two Family) to B-3 (Business-Scattered).
Invited Testifiers:
Red Hook Hill (authorized agent, Chaneel Callwood-Daniels), Applicant
Honorable Jean-Pierre L. Oriol, Commissioner, Department of Planning and Natural Resources
Leia LaPlace-Matthew, Territorial Planner, Division of Comprehensive and Coastal Zone Planning, Department of Planning and Natural Resources
ZAT-22-3       Government Employees’ Retirement System of the Virgin Islands requesting that Parcel Nos. 2 and 4 Estate Thomas, Nos. 6B and 6F New Quarter, St. Thomas be rezoned from W-2 (Waterfront-Industrial) to R-3 (Residential-Medium Density).
Invited Testifiers:
Cathy M. Smith, General Counsel – GERS, Applicant
Honorable Jean-Pierre L. Oriol, Commissioner, Department of Planning and Natural Resources
Leia LaPlace-Matthew, Territorial Planner, Division of Comprehensive and Coastal Zone Planning, Department of Planning and Natural Resources