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The Committee of the Whole

The Thirty-Fifth Legislature will convene in a Committee of the Whole Hearing to receive
testimony on the following zoning requests:

Bill No.35-0189 An Act granting a zoning variance from the R-1 (Residential-Low Density) zoning designation for Plot No. 9A and Parcel No. 10 Estate Grange, Company Quarter, St. Croix, Virgin Islands to allow for office and event rental; solar and wind energy development, research and testing of technology;agricultural production and sales; and short-term rentals

Invited Testifiers:
Honorable Jean-Pierre L. Oriol, Commissioner, VI Department of Planning and Natural Resources
Leia LaPlace-Matthew, Territorial Planner, Department of Planning and Natural Resources
Steve Baker, Applicant

The committee will also receive testimony on the ongoing crisis of the Virgin Islands
Water and Power potable water system, to include findings of elevated lead and copper levels in the St. Croix district’s potable water system, the issue of discolored water, and active mitigation efforts to support St. Croix residents.

Invited Testifiers:
Andrew Smith, Chief Executive Officer, VI Water and Power Authority
Kyle Fleming, Chairman, VI Water and Power Authority Governing Board
Honorable Justa E. Encarnacion, Commissioner, VI Department of Health
Honorable Jean-Pierre L. Oriol, Commissioner, VI Department of Planning and Natural Resources
Daryl Jaschen, Director, Virgin Islands, Territorial Management Emergency Management Agency (VITEMA)
Henry Charrabe, Chief Executive Officer, Seven Seas Water Corporation
Lisa Garcia, Region 2 Regional Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Robert Graham, Executive Director, VI Housing Authority
Aimee Griles Carino, Executive Director, Our Town Frederiksted
Maria Friday, Resident, Estate Calquohoun
Craig Lloyd, Resident, Mon Bijou


Nov 03 2023


11:00 am


Frits E. Lawaetz Legislative Conference Room
St. Croix
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