Committee on Economic Development and Agriculture

The Committee on Economic Development & Agriculture has scheduled a hearing to receive testimony from Virgin Islands banking and financial institutions representatives, Virgin Islands Department of Tourism, Hotel and Tourism Association, Virgin Islands Taxicab Commission and Virgin Islands Taxi Associations regarding each entity’s operations, capital projects and initiatives.


BLOCK I                                                                                                           10:00 A.M.

The committee will hear testimony from banking and financial institutions on the overall state of banking in the territory from, the ability of Virgin Islanders to obtain credit, the impact of global economic trends and rising interest rates, customer services, etc.

Invited Testifiers:

Glendina P. Matthew, Esq., Acting Director, Office of the Lieutenant Governor, Division of Banking Insurance and Financial Regulation

Attallah Bertrand, Manager, Oriental Bank

Christina Williams, Community President, Bank of St. Croix

Oran Roebuck, Senior Vice President, Banco Popular

Julia Crispin, Manager, Mid-Island Federal Credit Union

Patrice Canton, Manager, Frederiksted Federal Credit Union

Valdamier Collens, Sr., Vice President, First Bank

LUNCH                                                                                            12:00 P.M. – 12:45 P.M.

BLOCK II                                                                                                            1:00 P.M.

The committee will hear testimony from Tourism on the department’s operations, status of the upcoming cruise ship season, shore excursions, capital projects, and initiatives, yet, not limited to these areas outlined.

The Taxicab Commission, Taxi Associations, and other shareholders will share testimony on preparation for the upcoming cruise ship season and other related matters.

Invited Testifiers:

The Honorable Joseph Boschulte, Commissioner, Virgin Islands Department of Tourism

Lisa Hamilton, President, Hotel and Tourism Association

Addison Christian, President, Frederiksted Economic Development Association

Ronald Russell, Executive Director, Our Town Frederiksted

Frandelle Gerard, Executive Director, Crucian Heritage and Nature Tourism

Joanne Edney, President, Christiansted Restaurant & Retail Association

Linda Smith, Executive Director, Taxicab Commission

Theresa Ponce, Operation Manager, Island Networks Worldwide Inc.

Francis Arthur, President, St. Croix Taxi Association



Jun 21 2022


10:00 am - 5:00 pm


Frits E. Lawaetz Legislative Conference Room
St. Croix
Senator Kenneth L. Gittens


Senator Kenneth L. Gittens
(340) 773-2424
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