Avery Luis Lewis, a dedicated educator, embarked on his professional journey at Ulla Muller Elementary and Joseph Sibilly Elementary Schools. His unwavering commitment to community service, particularly in the field of education, led him to assume significant...
Culture, Youth, Aging, Sports and Parks
Senator Marvin A Blyden 36th
Born as the 11th of 13 children to Mayrose and James Blyden, Sr., Senator Marvin A. Blyden is a native of the Virgin Islands and a proud son of the Nadir community. His formative years in the Virgin Islands public school system laid the foundation for a life of...
Senator Angel L Bolques Jr. 36th
Angel L. Bolques Jr., a proud son of the Virgin Islands, has devoted his life to serving the people and improving the Virgin Islands he holds dear. Born on St. Croix and raised in the Peters Rest neighborhood, Angel's early years were filled with family, friends, and...
Senator Novelle E Francis Jr 36th
Senator Novelle E. Francis, Jr. epitomizes dedicated and homegrown leadership, having cultivated his skills over three decades of service to the people of the Virgin Islands. His commitment to servant-leadership experience has been consistently recognized by his peers...
Senator Alma Francis Heyliger 36th
Born on the beautiful island of St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, on October 12, 1973, Senator Alma Francis Heyliger embodies resilience, determination, and service. Her upbringing instilled in her a strong sense of self-expression and confidence, values she carries...
Senator Franklin D Johnson 36th
Franklin D. Johnson, most commonly known as “Frankie” to all, was born in Frederiksted St. Croix on September 9, 1960 to Eleanor E. Sealey and Thomas A. Johnson, Sr. “Frankie” attended the parochial and public-school systems of St. Croix. Mr. Johnson progressed and...
Senator Carla J Joseph 36th
A third consecutive term legislator, Sen. Carla Joseph is a grassroots organizer, social justice activist, and public servant with a strong sense of purpose. She is the youngest of four (4) children born to the late Frances Camilla Girleta Joseph of Jennings Village...
Senator Novelle E. Francis Jr.
Senator Novelle E. Francis, Jr. has served the people of the Virgin Islands with distinction for over thirty years. He was honored to serve as the Vice-President of the 34th Legislature and adds that title to the many that he has accumulated during his career as a...
Senator Marvin A. Blyden
The 11th of 13 children born to Mayrose and James Blyden, Sr., Senator Marvin A. Blyden grew up in the Nadir community and is a proud product of the Virgin Islands public school system. Blyden also is a graduate of the Dickinson Business School in Tulsa, Oklahoma. In...
Senator Angel L. Bolques Jr.
Angel L. Bolques Jr., a native of the Virgin Islands, has dedicated his life to public service and the betterment of his beloved community. Born and raised on the picturesque island of St. Croix, he fondly recalls his childhood in the Peters Rest neighborhood. There,...
Senator Samuel Carrion
In 2020 Senator Samuel Carrion made the commitment to run for the 34th Legislature to fight for a better Virgin Islands. Born and raised on the island of St. Croix, Senator Carrion sought to make a positive impact in his community. After being elected to serve in the...
Senator Alma Francis Heyliger
Born on the beautiful island of St. Thomas, in the Virgin Islands of the United States on October 12, 1973, Senator Alma Francis Heyliger developed a healthy sense of self-expression and confidence as a result of her upbringing and immediate environment. Graduating...
Senator Franklin D. Johnson
Franklin D. Johnson most commonly known as “Frankie" to all, was born in Frederiksted St. Croix on September 9, 1960, to Eleanor E. Sealey and Thomas A. Johnson, Sr. "Frankie" attended the parochial and public-school systems of St. Croix. Mr. Johnson progressed and...
Senator Milton E. Potter
Milton E. Potter, a second-term Senator in the 34th Legislature, was born on the island of Tortola, and is a proud product of the U.S. Virgin Islands Public School System from kindergarten through grade 12. He is a graduate of Florida A&M University where he...