10 Mar
Committee on Economic Development and Agriculture
Monday, Frits E. Lawaetz Legislative Conference Room
The Committee on Economic Development and Agriculture has scheduled a meeting for Monday, March 10, 2025, at 10:00 AM in the Frits E. Lawaetz Legislative Conference Room on St. Croix, Virgin Islands to provide updates on the following: BLOCK I The Department of...
THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE – OFFICIAL AGENDA The Thirty-Fifth Legislature will convene in a Committee of the Whole Hearing to receive testimony on the following zonings: BLOCK I Bill No. 35-0309 An Act amending Official Zoning Map No. SJZ-1 for the island...
The Thirty-Fifth Legislature will convene into the Committee of the Whole to receive testimony on the following: Bill No. 35-0259 An Act amending the Official Zoning Map No. STZ-4 for the island of St. Thomas to change the zoning designation of...
The Thirty-Fifth Legislature will convene in a Committee of the Whole Hearing to receive testimony on the following zoning requests: Bill No. 35-0244 An Act amending Official Zoning Map No. SCZ-10 to rezone Plots No. 126A, 126B, 126C, 126CA, 127E Combined, and...
The Thirty-Fifth Legislature will convene in a Committee of the Whole Hearing to receive testimony on the following zoning requests: Bill No. 35-0137 An Act granting a use variance for Parcel No. 9-3 Estate Glucksberg, Nos. 22, Cruz Bay Quarter, St. John,...
The Thirty-Fifth Legislature will convene in a Committee of the Whole Hearing to receive testimony on the following CZM and zoning requests: The Thirty-Fifth Legislature will convene in a Committee of the Whole Hearing to receive testimony on a minor CZM permit,...
The Thirty-Fifth Legislature will convene in a Committee of the Whole Hearing to receive testimony on the following CZM and zoning requests: Bill No. 35-0199 An Act ratifying the Governor’s approval of Minor Coastal Zone Permit No. CZX-22-22W issued to Joel Ureta for...
The Thirty-Fifth Legislature will convene in a Committee of the Whole Hearing to receive testimony on the following zoning requests: Bill No.35-0189 An Act granting a zoning variance from the R-1 (Residential-Low Density) zoning designation for Plot No. 9A and Parcel...
Please be advised that the Committee on Health, Hospitals & Human Services will be conducting an hearing in the Earle B. Ottley Legislative Hall on St. Thomas. During this hearing, relative departments and agencies will give testimony on all mitigation efforts, health...
THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE – OFFICIAL AGENDA Time: 3:00 P.M. Call to Order: Honorable Novelle E. Francis, Jr. Senate President Roll Call: Journal Clerk The Thirty-Fifth Legislature will convene in a Committee of the Whole Hearing to receive testimony on the...
The 35th Legislature’s Committee on Budget, Appropriations and Finance will meet Tuesday, June 27, 2023, at 9:00 a.m. in the Earle B. Ottley Legislative Hall on St. Thomas, Virgin Islands. 9:00 AM V.I. Department of Planning and Natural Resources Honorable...
REGULAR SESSION - OFFICIAL AGENDA – REVISED I Time: 10:00 A.M. Call to Order: Honorable Novelle E. Francis, Jr., Senate President Invocation: Rev. Charles L. Brown, Jr., Chaplain Anthems: National Anthem and Virgin Islands March Roll Call: Honorable Carla J....
THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE – OFFICIAL AGENDA Time: 10:00 A.M. Call to Order: Honorable Novelle E. Francis, Jr. Senate President Honorable Marvin A. Blyden Vice-President Roll Call: Journal Clerk The Thirty-Fifth Legislature will convene in a Committee of the...