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Published: Jul 22, 2024

ST. THOMAS – The Committee on Budget, Appropriations, and Finance, under the leadership of Senator Donna A. Frett-Gregory met in the Earle B. Ottley Legislative Hall. Lawmakers received testimony on the proposed Fiscal Year 2025 Executive Budget for the Government of the Virgin Islands of the United States for the Office of the Governor and the Office of the Lieutenant Governor.

Karl Knight, Chief of Staff for the Office of the Governor delivered its total proposed Fiscal Year 2025 Budget of $14,015,824. This amount includes $1,225,000 in miscellaneous/special appropriated funds, $300,000 from the Tourism Revolving Fund, and $12,490,824 from the General Fund. The Office has a total of 96 employees. 86 positions are filled and 10 are currently vacant. The vacant positions are currently funded at 50% by the General Fund. Positions are distributed throughout the territory. Government House on St. Thomas has 30 employees. The Battery on St. John has four employees. Government House on St. Croix has 35 employees. The Bureau of Economic Research has three employees. The Office of Gun Violence has 6 employees. The Office of Health Information Technology has two employees. The Office of the Governor has 5 funded vacant positions. The Bureau of Economic Research has three funded vacant positions. The Office of Gun Violence Prevention has two funded/new vacant positions.

Of the proposed General Fund allocation, $11,130,962 is allocated for the Office of the Governor. $693,397 is allocated for the Bureau of Economic Research, and $666,465 is for the Office of Gun Prevention. Personnel services accounts at $6,404,300, Fringe Benefits at $2,640,576, Supplies at $386,400, Other Services and Charges at $2,186,220, Utilities at $489,000, and Capital Outlay at $384,328.  The Bureau of Economic Research has a total proposed budget of $993,381. This includes $693,381 from the General Fund, and $300,000 from the Tourism Revolving Fund. The Office of Gun Violence Protection has a total proposed budget of $891,465. Of this amount, $666,465 is from the General Fund, and $225,000 is from the Miscellaneous Fund.  The Office of Health Information Technology operates from the Office of the Governor’s General Fund and includes $250,000 from the Operational Expense fund and an additional $150,000 to support the Virgin Islands Health Information Exchange.

Monica Williams Carbon, Esq., Chief of Staff for the Office of the Lieutenant Governor delivered its proposed Fiscal Year 2025 Budget of $7,187,246 from the General Fund.  This is a reduction from Fiscal Year 2024, which was $7,471,061. Williams Carbon mentioned that the Office may have to request additional funding for future projects, such as the mass reappraisal for the assessment of real property in the territory, which has been estimated to be around $10 Million over a five-year period. Of the proposed Fiscal Year 2025 Budget, $4,767,071 is for Personnel Services, and $2,420,175 for Fringe Benefits. The budget recommendation would allow the office to be staffed with the equivalent of 93.5 positions, since some positions would be partially funded during the fiscal year. If fully funded, there would be 96 positions available.  Williams Carbon stated that the office continues to perform their duties, even though the division has had less than adequate staffing. She stated that hiring was critical, as many of the division’s staff is eligible for retirement.

Senators present at today’s committee hearing included Donna A. Frett-Gregory, Novelle E. Francis, Jr., Marvin A. Blyden, Samuel Carriόn, Diane T. Capehart, Dwayne M. DeGraff, Ray Fonseca, Alma Francis Heyliger, Kenneth L. Gittens, Marise C. James, and Javan E. James, Sr.

The Division of Public Affairs is committed to providing the community with accurate information on proceedings at the Legislature of the Virgin Islands. Visit legvi.org.


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