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Published: Dec 31, 2020

ST. THOMAS- Members of the 33rd Legislature, led by Senate President Novelle E. Francis, Jr., convened in Legislative Session at the Capitol Building on Wednesday and voted favorably for resolutions, coastal zone management permits, zoning applications, and bills. All approved items will be forwarded to the Governor for further consideration and action.

Lawmakers voted favorably for the following Resolutions:

  • Bill No. 33-0150 – An Act posthumously honoring and commending Manassah Francis for his significant entrepreneurship and service to the people of the Virgin Islands
  • Bill No. 33-0233 – A Resolution honoring and commending Mr. Randolph “Junior” Donovan and Mr. Kashief “DJ” General Kuntry” Hamilton for their heroism in saving the life of a cruise passenger at the West Indian Company Dock
  • Bill No. 33-0247- A Resolution honoring and commending Wallace D. Williams for his years of extensive work and service as a librarian and his accomplishments as an Olympic athlete representing the U.S. Virgin Islands in multiple competitions.
  • Bill No. 33-0285 – An Act honoring and commending Noel “Breeze” Boynes, Sr. for his service to his community of St. John and naming the car ferry dock in St. Thomas “The Noel “Breeze” Boynes, Sr. Car Ferry Dock
  • Bill No. 33-0312 – A Resolution honoring and commending Janet Valencia Prince-Soto for her contributions to the St. Croix community through her years of educating and mentoring others in the field of cosmetology and her entrepreneurship in the same field
  • Bill No. 33-0345 – An Act honoring and commending Judy M. Gomez, Esq., for her contributions to the Virgin Islands community, especially the children of the Virgin Islands.
  • Bill No. 33-0352 – A Resolution honoring and commending Charles Lambert Alvarez Christian for his dedication and accomplishments in the field of martial arts and the Virgin Islands community
  • Bill No. 33-0426 – A Resolution recognizing the 100th anniversary of the Senepol Cattle.
  • Bill No. 33-0427 – A Bill recognizing and honoring the late Mrs. Dorothy Lockhart Elskoe for her vast contributions to the preservation of the arts and culture of the Virgin Islands by renaming Raphune Hill the “Dorothy “Dotsy” Lockhart Elskoe Drive.”
  • Bill No. 33-0430 – A Resolution posthumously honoring and commending the late Reverend Vincent Hoover Adams Gordon, Sr., D.D. for his outstanding contributions to the Virgin Islands community
  • Bill No. 33-0431 – A Resolution honoring and commending Rashawn Ross for his outstanding achievements and contributions in the field of music
  • Bill No. 33-0440 – A Resolution commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Charlotte Amalie High School on St Thomas, Virgin Islands (1920-2020)

Similarly, policymakers voted and approved the following Coastal Zone Management Permits and Zoning Applications:

  • Bill No. 33-0461 – An Act ratifying the Governor’s approval of Minor Coastal Zone Permit No. CZT-46-19(W) by the St. Thomas Committee of the Virgin Islands Coastal Zone Management Commission
  • Bill No. 33-0464 – An Act to rezone Plot No. 1 AEA Estate Dimond, Queen Quarter, St. Croix, Virgin Islands from R-2 (Residential-Low Density-One and Two Family) to B-3 (Business Scattered)
  • Bill No. 33-0465 – An Act granting zoning use variance for Parcel No. 5-0 Estate Pastory, No. 5 Cruz Bay Quarter, St. John, Virgin Islands, to allow for an automobile, motor tune-up, and repair work, and warehouse and storage services
  • Bill No. 33-0466 – An Act granting a zoning use variance for Parcel No. 14 Remainder Estate Carolina, No. 1 Coral Bay Quarter, St. John Virgin Islands from R-2 (Residential-Low Density One and Two-Family) to allow for an animal care center, kennels for dogs and cats not to exceed 20 and 19 respectively. Veterinarian’s office, a classroom for outreach/training/meetings, one-bedroom employee housing unit, children’s playground, and walking trail
  • Bill No. 33-0467 – An Act approving the conveyance of Parcels No. E, F, and 163-B Subbase No. 6 Southside Quarter, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, also known as the Old WAPA Administration Building form the Virgin Islands Port Authority to the Virgin Islands Department of Planning and Natural Resources
  • Bill No. 33-0468 – An Act amending Official Zoning Map No. SCZ-18 for the island of St. Croix for Plot No. 39A Prince Street, Frederiksted, St. Croix, Virgin Islands from R-4 (Residential-Medium Density) to B-3 (Business-Scattered)
  • Bill No. 33-0469 – An Act ratifying the Governor’s approval of Major Coastal Zone Permit No. CZX-17W (LICA Holding Corporation)The subject permit authorizes the continued use and occupancy of the marina which consists of a bulkhead embayment with a small finger pier and boat ramp on the western end

Senators also voted with a favorable recommendation for the following bills:

  • Bill No. 33-0300 – An Act amending Title 27 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 9, subchapter I by adding section 305d to establish a numerical limitation on the licenses issued for gasoline stations to take effect in five years and to impose a five-year, Territory-wide moratorium on the issuance of business licenses for gasoline stations
  • Bill No. 33-0463 – An Act ratifying and approving the Second Amendment to the Agreement for Medical Health Insurance between the Government of the Virgin Islands, through GESC Health Insurance Board of Trustees, the University of the Virgin Islands, and the Virgin Islands Housing Authority, and United Healthcare Insurance Company and its affiliates, dated January 1, 2021
  • Bill No. 33-0126 – An Act Amending Title 3, chapter 1 of the Virgin Islands Code by adding a new section 27i establishing the Virgin Islands Office of Gun Violence Prevention under the Office of the Governor with Amendment No. 33-912
  • Bill No. 33-0429 – An Act authorizing the Board of Directors of the Virgin Islands Government Hospitals and Health Facilities Corporation to make an offer to purchase Plot No. 7 Estate Diamond Ruby, St. Croix to reconstruct and expand the Governor Juan F. Luis Hospital and Medical Center and providing for the funding of the purchase
  • Bill No. 33-0128 – A Resolution honoring and commending Deana Elyse Rogers for her outstanding civil contributions and public service and for being the first female Post Auditor of the Legislature of the Virgin Islands
  • Bill No. 33-0444 – A Resolution to recognize the 50th anniversary of the Petite Pump Room, a locally owned and operated business
  • Bill No. 33-0454 – To recognize the musical talents and contribution of Maestro Gylchris Sprauve and to adopt and recognize the musical composition Valiant Virgin Islands as the Centennial Anthem of the Virgin Islands
  • Bill No. 33-0096 – An Act repealing Title 33, chapter 115, subchapter IV of the Virgin Islands Code and replacing it with a new subchapter IV creating the Virgin Islands Government Prompt Payment Act
  • Bill No. 33-0293 – An Act amending Title 7 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 13, subchapter 13, subchapter III, section 207 to add the Commissioners of the Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs and the Department of Health to the Virgin Islands Industrial Hemp Commission
  • Bill No. 33-0361 – An Act amending Title 14 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 23, section 486 relating to penalties for knowledge of sexual abuse of a minor to increase the fines and mandate counseling in addition to an imprisonment of fine
  • Bill No. 33-0471 – An Act granting a reduction in the payment of gross receipt taxes to one percent on business gross receipts for St. John car ferry businesses for five years
  • Bill No. 33-0346 – A Resolution honoring and commending Stanley and the Ten Sleepless Knights on their 50th Anniversary of the band and the band’s contribution to the preservation of Virgin Islands culture, musical, and dance heritage
  • Bill No. 33- 0472 – An Act amending Title 23 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 9, subchapter I, section608 relating to the issuances of a permit for the location hazardous chemicals or activities not less than 1,000 feet of a residential dwelling
  • Bill No. 33-0226 – An Act amending Title 19, chapter 7 of the Virgin Islands Code to establish the official madras of the Virgin Islands of the United States

However, the following was removed from the agenda: Bill No. 33-0470 – To Amend Title 19, chapter 34 of the Virgin Islands Code to expand the legalization of Medicinal CannabisLastly, senators voted favorably to override the governor’s veto for Bill No. 33-0269, Bill No. 33-0343, Bill No. 33-0348, and Bill No. 33-0112.




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