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Published: Dec 21, 2022

ST. THOMAS- Today, Members of the 34th Legislature, led by Senate President Donna Frett-Gregory, convened in Legislative Session at the Capitol Building. Senators voted in the affirmative for several nominees, zoning map amendments, lease agreements, and bills. All approved items will be forwarded to the Governor for further consideration. During the extensive day, Legislative Session dissolved into the Committee of the Whole and recessed until December 29th.

Senators voted in the affirmative for the following nominees:
• Dr. Janis Valmond, MS, MPH, DrPH, CHES, Virgin Islands Housing Authority Board of Commissioners
• Dr. Rick Warehime, Virgin Islands Board of Pharmacy
• Stephanie Hodge, Virgin Islands Real Estate Commission
• Christopher McDonald, Virgin Islands Real Estate Commission
• Dr. Dionne Wells-Hedrington Commissioner, Virgin Islands Department of Education
• Ms. Delia Thomas Inspector General, Office of the Virgin Islands Inspector General
• Ms. Leona Smith, Virgin Islands Port Authority Board of Governors, Renomination
• Bill No. 34-0057- A Resolution honoring and commending José Julio Martínez, better known as “Papi Love” for his outstanding contributions as a radio talk show host, educating and entertaining the people of the Virgin Islands.

Moreover, the Senator voted in favor of the following Resolutions:
• Bill No. 34-0288- A Resolution to honor and commend Command Sergeant Major Charles David, Retired, for his service to the Virgin Islands National Guard.
• Bill No. 34-0292- An Act to posthumously honor and commend Rafael Garcia, MD for his outstanding years of service to the Virgin Islands community as a Medical Doctor and a public servant.
• Bill No. 34-0293- A Resolution honoring and commending the Reverend Dr. George E. Phillips for his invaluable contribution to the Gospel, ministry, and people of the Virgin Islands.
• Bill No. 34-0295- A Resolution petitioning the President of the United States of America to issue a posthumous pardon to Rothschild Francis for his unjust conviction for the federal crimes of criminal libel, contempt, and embezzlement.
• Bill No. 34-0297- A Resolution to posthumously honor and commend Roselin Maud McFarlane for her contributions to the Virgin Islands Community and specifically as an advocate of independent living for people with disabilities.
• Bill No. 34-0376- An Act posthumously honoring and commending Valmy Thomas for his contributions to the Virgin Islands community and for renaming Soboetker Ln and West Ln in his memory; making and $15,000 appropriation; and for other related purposes.
• Bill No. 34-0380- A Resolution honoring and commending Michelle Mycah Leone Smith for her outstanding performance in track and field and her contributions to the Virgin Islands community as a sports ambassador.

Policymakers also voted and approved the following Re-Zoning Map Amendments:
• Bill No. 34-0331- An Act granting a zoning use variance for Parcel No. 18-A Remainder Estate Smith Bay, Nos 1, 2 & 3 East End Quarter, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, to allow for the installation of 29 storage containers for use as “Warehouse & Storage Services (General)” and for no other purpose.
• Bill No. 34-0359 An Act amending Official Zoning Map No. STZ-7 to change the zoning designation of Parcel No. 3-103 Remainder Estate Bovoni, Nos. 1 & 2 Frenchman’s Bay Quarter St. Thomas from R-3 (Residential-Medium Density) to B-3 (Business-Scattered).
• Bill No. 34-0360 An Act amending Official Zoning Map No. STZ-11 to change the zoning designation of Lease Area 47D-1 Kronprindsens Gade, Kronprindsens Quarter, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, from P (Public) to B-3 (Business Scattered).
• Bill No. 34-0372- An Act amending Official Zoning Map No. SCZ-10 for the island of St. Croix to change the zoning designation of Plot No. 34-A Estate Two Brothers and Smithfield, West End Quarter, St. Croix from R-3 (Residential-Medium Density) to C (Commercial).
• Bill No. 34-0375- An Act rezoning Parcel Nos. L-1, 1-1, 1-Rem., C-1, C-Rem., D-Rem., G, H, M, N, P, S, R.O.W. Parcel Nos. 1-A, C-A, D-A, Q, and R Estate Raphune, No. 5B New Quarter St. Thomas and Parcel Nos. 1-1-1, 1- 11, 1-1-Rem., 1-5-B-1, 1-5-B-2, 1-5-B-3, 1-15-1, R.O.W. Parcel Nos. 1- 3 (Revised)-1, and 1-3 (Revised)-Rem, Estate Donoe, No. 2A New Quarter, St. Thomas, as more fully described on Drawing Nos. A9-859- T020 and A9-861-T021, from R-2 and C, as the case may be, to B-2, and rezoning Parcel No. 1-5-F Estate Donoe, No. 2A New Quarter, St. Thomas, as more fully described on Drawing No. A9-861-T021, from C to R-2.
• Bill No. 34-0377- An Act amending Official Zoning Map No. STZ-9 for the island of St. Thomas to change the zoning designation of Parcel Nos. 19F-1 Remainder and 19N Remainder, Estate Smith Bay, Nos. 1, 2, and 3, East End Quarter, St. Thomas from A-1 (Agricultural Zone) to C (Commercial) and R-3 (Residential-Medium Density), respectively.
• Bill No. 34-0379- An Act conditionally amending Official Zoning Map No. STZ-7 to change the zoning designation of Parcel No. 2 Remainder Estate Bovoni, Nos. 1 & 2 Frenchman’s Bay Quarter St. Thomas from R-3 (Residential Medium Density) to C (Commercial).
• Bill No. 34-0382- An Act amending Official Zoning Map No. SCZ-10 for the island of St. Croix to change the zoning designation of Parcel No. 9-E Estate LaGrange, West End Quarter, St. Croix, Virgin Islands, from R-2 (Residential-Low Density-One and Two Family) to R-3 (Residential Medium Density).
• Bill No. 34-0389- An Act amending Official Zoning Map No. SCZ-10 for the rezoning of Parcel Nos. 73-B and 271 Estate Concordia, West End Quarter, St. Croix from R-3 (Residential- Medium Density) to P (Public).
• Bill No. 34-0392- An Act amending Official Zoning Map No. SCZ-12 to allow for the rezoning of Plots No. 1-K and 1-L Estate Diamond, Queen Quarter, St. Croix, Virgin Islands, from R-2 (Residential-Low Density-One and Two Family to B-2 (Business-Secondary/Neighborhood), with a use variance to allow for a water distillation plant and ice manufacture and sales.

Policymakers voted in the affirmative for the following lease agreements:
• Bill No. 34-0194- An Act approving the Lease Agreement between the Government of the Virgin Islands Department of Property and Procurement and Julien Welding, d/b/a Julien’s Welding.
• Bill No. 34-0275- An Act approving the lease agreement between the Government of the Virgin Islands Department of Property and Procurement and Caribe Tradewinds Lodge No. 17, Inc., District No. 8 for the purpose of conducting meetings, community outreach activities, feeding the homeless, mentoring youth, and for other related purposes.
• Bill No. 34-0276- An Act approving the Lease Agreement between the Government of the Virgin Islands, acting through its Commissioner of the Department of Property and Procurement, and Liberty Mobile USVI, Inc., for Parcel No. 6-4-1 Estate Carolina, No. 1 Coral Bay Quarter, St. John, Virgin Islands to develop, construct, operate, maintain, repair, replace and upgrade a wireless communication facility and for other related purposes.
• Bill No. 34-0278- An Act approving the Lease Agreement between the Government of the Virgin Islands, acting through the Commissioner of the Department of Property and Procurement and On The Level d/b/a OTL MECHANICAL for the leasing of Parcel No. 69 Submarine Base, No. 4 Southside Quarter, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands.
• Bill No. 34-0346 An act approving the Lease Agreement between the Government of the Virgin Islands and Twin City Cricket Association, Inc. for Rem. Parcel No. 23 Estate VICORP Land (f/k/a Upper Bethlehem and Fredensborg), King Quarter, St. Croix Virgin Islands for a cricket facility and other related activities.
• Bill No. 34-0353- An Act approving the Grant of Easement over Parcel No. 11 Remainder Estate Dorothea, No. 6 Great Northside Quarter, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands from the Government of the Virgin Islands acting through the Virgin Islands Department of Property and Procurement to Leslie Phipps.
• Bill No. 34-0356- An Act approving the Lease Agreement between the Government of the Virgin Islands, acting through the Commissioner of the Department of Property and Procurement and the Virgin Islands Resource Center for the Disabled, Inc. for an improved portion of Parcel No. 75 Kronprindsens Gade, Kronprindsens Quarter, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands.
• Bill No. 34-0362- An Act approving the Lease Agreement between the Government of the Virgin Islands, acting through the Commissioner of the Department of Property and Procurement and the Village-Virgin Islands Partners in Recovery, Inc. for Parcel Nos. 1-H and 13-F Estate Sion Hill, Queen Quarter, St. Croix, Virgin Islands.
• Bill No. 34-0363- An Act approving the Lease Agreement between the Government of the Virgin Islands, acting through its Commissioner of the Department of Property and Procurement, and Hustler and Sons, Inc. for Parcel No. 34, Estate Nisky, No. 6, Southside Quarter, on the island of St. Thomas for the purpose of operating a garage and repair shop, with related activities.
• Bill No. 34-0364- An Act approving the Lease Agreement between the Government of the Virgin Islands, acting through its Commissioner of the Department of Property and Procurement, and Courtesy Car Wash, LLC.
• Bill No. 34-0369- An Act approving the Lease Agreement between the Government of the Virgin Islands, acting through the Commissioner of the Department of Property and Procurement and Catholic Charities of the Virgin Islands, Inc. for Parcel No. 410 Hospital Ground, Kings Quarter, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands (f/k/a Plantation “Hospital Ground”).
• Bill No. 34-0373- An Act approving the lease agreement between the Government of the Virgin Islands Department of Property and Procurement and Sanitary Trashmoval Services, Inc.
• Bill No. 34-0374- An Act approving the Lease Agreement between the Government of the Virgin Islands, acting through its Commissioner of the Department of Property and Procurement, and O Corp, LLC, d/b/a Owen’s Jeep Rental, for Parcel No. 1Ad Cruz Bay Town, No. 1 Cruz Bay Quarter, St. John, Virgin Islands, consisting of 715 U.S. sq. ft. or 0.016 U.S. acre, more or less, to be used for the rental of vehicles, and for other related purposes.
• Bill No. 34-0381- An Act approving the lease agreement between the Government of the Virgin Islands, acting through its Commissioner of the Department of Property and Procurement, and Janice Enterprise, LLC d/b/a Love City BBQ and Grill, for Parcel No. 307 Cruz Bay Town, Cruz Bay Quarter, St. John, Virgin Islands, which includes a one-story building situated on approximately 2,641.09 U.S. sq. ft. or 0.06 U.S. acre, more or less, of improved land, to be used to operate a mobile bar and grill, and for other related purposes.
• Bill No. 34-0384- An Act approving the lease agreement between the Government of the Virgin Islands, acting through the Commissioner of the Department of Property and Procurement and Christiansted Harbor Resort Hotel and Marina, LLC for Protestant Cay, specifically improved Plot No. 1 and improved Plot No. 2 with all buildings and improvements located in Christiansted Harbor, St. Croix, Virgin Islands.
• Bill No. 34-0385- An Act approving the lease agreement between the Government of the Virgin Islands, acting through its Commissioner of the Department of Property and Procurement, and Star Time Technology Center, Inc. for a portion of Parcel No. 2A Crystal Gade, Queens Quarter, St. Thomas for the purpose of operating a community technology learning & training center, and for other related purposes.

The following measures were moved to the end of the agenda:
• Bill No. 34-0361 An Act amending Official Zoning Map No. STZ-9 to change the zoning designation of Parcel No. 173-A-66 Estate Anna’s Retreat, No. 1 New Quarter St. Thomas from R-2 (Residential Low Density-One and Two Family) to B-2 (Business-Secondary/Neighborhood).
• Bill No. 34-0387 An Act amending Official Zoning Map No. SCZ-7 for the island of St. Croix to change the zoning designation of Portion of the Remainder of Estate Beeston Hill (South Portion), Matricular No. 6a, Company Quarter, St. Croix from R-1 (Residential-Low Density) to B-3 (Business Scattered).

Lawmakers rose out of the Legislation Session and into the Committee of the Whole to receive testimony on a bill regarding medicinal cannabis:

Bill No. 34-0345- An Act amending Title 19 of the Virgin Islands Code by adding Chapter 34A to expand the legalization of cannabis from medicinal use to include adult-use cannabis.

Testifiers unanimously stated that the bill in its current form creates regulatory and expungement challenges. However, testimonies outlined strategies recommended by Governor Albert Bryan Jr. geared toward a more seamless process for legalizing cannabis. Richard Evangelista, Commissioner of the Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs, noted that the measure in its current form provides legislation that will not only legalize the medical use of cannabis but will also legalize its use for non-medical purposes.

Similarly, Kye Walker, Esq., indicated that, unlike the current bill, the Governor’s legislation provides for the auto-expungement of records at no cost to the individual and a blanket expungement for all individuals identified as having been arrested or convicted of non-violent crimes solely related to the possession, control, or sale of less than one pound of cannabis. Senator Frett-Gregory expressed the importance of working toward a timeline or deadline that keeps the Office of Cannabis Regulation accountable. “We must ensure that steps are in place to keep the process moving once the bill is approved. Either we lead, follow, or get out of the way.”

Senators attending the meeting: Donna A. Frett-Gregory, Novelle E. Francis, Jr., Genevieve R. Whitaker, Franklin D. Johnson, Samuel Carrión, Carla J. Joseph, Marvin A. Blyden, Dwayne DeGraff, Kenneth L. Gittens, Javon E. James, Sr., Angel Bolques Jr., Alma Francis Heyliger, Kurt A. Vialet, Janelle K. Sarauw. However, Senator Milton E. Potter was excused.

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