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Call to Order: Honorable Donna A. Frett-Gregory, Senate President

Invocation: Pastor Bentley Thomas, Bethel Missionary Baptist Church
Anthem: National Anthem and Virgin Islands March

Roll Call: Honorable Genevieve Whitaker, Legislative Secretary

Messages and/or Correspondences
Reports: Chairpersons of Standing Committees
Special Orders and Overrides:


Block I – Nominees and Resolutions

Gerson Martinez, Virgin Islands Aquaculture and Mariculture Commission
Dale Browne, Virgin Islands Conservation District
Carl Tesitor, Jr., Virgin Islands Conservation District
Dr. Learie Lindsay, Virgin Islands Board of Medical Examiners
Dr. William DeLone, UVI Research and Technology Park Board of Directors


BR No. 22-1164 A Resolution to reorganize the Thirty-Fourth Legislature of the Virgin Islands to fill a vacancy in the         Majority Caucus.

The 34th Legislature will convene into The Committee of the Whole to take testimony
on the following:

Bill No. 34-0289 An Act amending Act No. 8474 relating to the fiscal year 2022 operating budget for the Government of the Virgin Islands to appropriate the sum of $40,000,000 to pay outstanding liabilities from the General Fund in the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022.

Invited Testifiers:
Karl Knight, Chief of Staff, Office of the Governor
Jenifer C. O’Neal, Director, Virgin Islands Office of Management and Budget
Cindy Richardson, MBA, Director, Virgin Islands Division of Personnel

Bill No. 34-0299 An Act ratifying the Redevelopment Agreement by and between the Government of the Virgin Islands and CREF3 USVI Hotel Owner, Inc., a United States Virgin Islands corporation.

Invited Testifiers:
Wayne L. Biggs, Chief Executive Officer, V.I. Economic Development Authority
Gregory Hummel, Esq., Senior Counsel, Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP
Karl Marschel, Esq., Partner, Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP
Joe Gould, Managing Director, Fortress Investment Group, LLC
Peter Brogan, Vice President, Fortress Investment Group, LLC
Ali Elam, Managing Director, Fortress Investment Group, LLC
Renée Marie André, Esq., Legal Counsel, Marjorie Rawls Roberts, PC

The 34th Legislature will reconvene into Regular Session to act on the following:


Bill No. 34-0244 An Act amending title 27 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 4, section 191(a) and (d) to expand and clarify the definition of naturopathic medicine and the physical modalities used in the practice of naturopathy.

Bill No. 34-0299 An Act ratifying the Redevelopment Agreement by and between the Government of the Virgin Islands and CREF3 USVI Hotel Owner, Inc., a United States Virgin Islands corporation


Aug 30 2022


9:30 am


Earle B. Ottley Legislative Hall
Charlotte Amalie
Senator Donna Frett-Gregory


Senator Donna Frett-Gregory
(340) 774-0880
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