The Thirty-fourth Legislature will host a Perma Plaque Ceremony honoring and commending individuals for services to the community, and for their dedication to the Virgin Islands ResolutionsAct St. Thomas Honorees
Resolution No. 1844 A Resolution honoring and commending Ms. Lorna Lenise Freeman for her
outstanding charitable performances for the community and her many contributions to the people of the Virgin Islands and for being a true ambassadress of the Virgin Islands
Resolution No. 1858 A Resolution recognizing the 50’ anniversary of the Virgin Islands Port Authority
Resolution No. 1861 A Resolution posthumously honoring and commending Alvin “Ali†Paul for his
contribution to the culture of the Virgin Islands, through the mocko jumbie artform
Resolution No. 1863 A Resolution honoring and commending Rising Stars Steel Orchestra for their
musical contributions and dedication the youth of our community and for being cultural ambassador abroad
Resolution No. 1864 Resolution posthumously honoring and commending Lee “Lee Vee†Vanterpool,
a native son, for contributions to the Virgin Islands community as a consummate media professional and mentor, and for his contribution of time and professional skills to numerous non-profit organizations and events that have benefitted the Virgin Islands community
Resolution No. 1868 A Resolution honoring and commending Mr. Randolph “Junior†Donovan and Mr.
Kashief “DJ General Kuntry†Hamilton for their heroism in saving the life of a cruise passenger at the West Indian Company Dock
Resolution No. 1874 A Resolution honoring and commending Rashawn Ross for his outstanding
achievements and contributions in the field of music
Resolution No. 1875 A Resolution to recognize the 50th anniversary of the Petite Pump Room, a locally owned and operated business
Resolution No. 1877 A Resolution honoring and commending Ms. Deanna Elyse Rogers for her
outstanding civil contributions and public service to the Legislature of the Virgin Islands
Resolution No. 1878 A Resolution commemorating the 100 Year Anniversary of the Charlotte Amalie
High School on St Thomas, Virgin Islands (1920-2020)
Resolution No. 1881 A Resolution honoring and commending Ronaqua Russell for her heroic
achievements and extraordinary performance that resulted in her becoming the first African American female aviator in the United States Coast Guard to receive the Air Medal
Resolution No. 1883 A Resolution honoring and commending St. Clair Alphonso “Whadablee†DeSilvia
for his invaluable contribution to continued development of Calypso music in the Virgin Islands
Act No. 8417 An Act recognizing the musical talents and contribution of Maestro Gylchris
Sprauve; and amending title 1 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 7 by adding section 104a to designate the musical composition Valiant Virgin Isles as the Centennial Anthem of the Virgin Island