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Committee on Homeland Security, Public Safety and Justice

Please be advised that the 35th Legislature’s Committee on Homeland Security, Justice, & Public Safety has scheduled a legislative committee hearing for 10:00 a.m. Tuesday, May 14, 2024, in the Frits E. Lawaetz Legislative Conference Room, on St. Croix. The Committee is expected to receive testimony on several bills.

 BLOCK I      10:00 A.M.

Bill No. 35-0248         A Resolution petitioning United States Congress to amend the Revised Organic Act of the Virgin Islands to authorize the people of the Virgin Islands to elect the Attorney General of the Virgin Islands.

Invited Testifiers:

Gordon Rhea ,    Attorney General Nominee, V.I. Department of Justice

Julie Smith-Todman, Chief Public Defender, Office of the Territorial Public Defender

Marjorie Whalen, President, V.I. Bar Association

 LUNCH   12:30 P.M.

 BLOCK II   1:30 P.M.

 Bill No. 35-0238         An Act to confer peace officer status on qualified enforcement officers employed by the Government Employees Retirement System of the Virgin Islands.

Invited Testifiers:

Honorable Ray Martinez, Commissioner, Virgin Islands Police Department

Angel L. Dawson, Jr., Administrator, Government Employees Retirement System

 BLOCK III   2:30 P.M.

 Bill No. 35-0215       An Act amending title 23 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 5, section 457, subsection (a), paragraph (3), relating to the contents of a firearm license to change the statement in the license increasing the term of the license from three years to five years.

Invited Testifier:

Honorable Ray Martinez, Commissioner, Virgin Islands Police Department

Bill No. 35-0243       An Act amending title 23 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 5, section 470 to require individuals to obtain permission from the Commissioner of the Virgin Islands Police Department before purchasing firearm components that will be mailed or shipped to the Virgin Islands.

Invited Testifiers:

Honorable Ray Martinez, Commissioner, V.I. Police Department

Gordon Rhea, Attorney General Nominee, V.I. Department of Justice

Eric Oram, Postal Inspector, United States Postal Service

Levi MacSheen, Firearms Dealer, Star Time Firearms

Bill No. 35-0250         An Act amending title 23 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 5, by adding section 454b banning assault rifles in the Virgin Islands.

Invited Testifiers:

Honorable Ray Martinez, Commissioner, V.I. Police Department

Gordon Rhea, Attorney General Nominee, V.I. Department of Justice

Eric Oram, Postal Inspector, United States Postal Service

Levi MacSheen, Firearms Dealer, Star Time Firearms


May 14 2024


10:00 am


Frits E. Lawaetz Legislative Conference Room
St. Croix
Senator Kenneth L. Gittens


Senator Kenneth L. Gittens
(340) 773-2424
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