Committee on Homeland Security, Justice and Public Safety
BLOCK I 10:00 A.M – 12:00 P.M. ÂÂ
 Bill No. 34-0142
An Act amending the Virgin Islands Code title 20, chapter 45 by adding a subchapter II to
provide for an Automatic license plate reader system as a crime fighting tool throughout the
Virgin Islands; amending title 3, chapter 33section 881(g) relating to public records to exclude
Captured plate data from automatic license plate reader systems; and providing for other
Invited Testifiers:
Ms. Barbara McIntosh, Director, Virgin Islands Bureau of Motor Vehicles
Honorable Ray Martinez, Commissioner Designee, Virgin Islands Police Department
Honorable Attorney Denise George, Attorney General, Department of Justice
Ms. Charlotte K. Perrell, Esq., President, VI Bar Association
Mr. Rupert Ross, Director, Bureau of Information Technology
BLOCK II 1:00 P.M. – Until.
The Committee on Homeland Security, Justice & Public Safety will also receive updates from the Virgin Islands Fire Department on safety protocols, trainings, and certifications.
Invited Testifier:
Mr. Daryl George, Director, Virgin Islands Fire Services
The Committee on Homeland Security, Justice & Public Safety will discuss the Juvenile system and receive updates regarding Youth Rehabilitation Center.
Invited Testifier:
Honorable Kimberley Causey-Gomez, Commissioner, Department of Human Services