Committee on Homeland Security, Justice, and Public Safety
Please be advised that the 35th Legislature’s Committee on Homeland Security, Justice, & Public Safety has scheduled a legislative committee hearing for 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, September 12, 2023 in the Frits E. Lawaetz Legislative Conference Room on St. Croix. The Committee is expected to receive testimony from the Bureau of Corrections (BOC) and updates from the Virgin Islands Territorial Management Agency (VITEMA) and supporting agencies, relative to preparation for the current hurricane season. This is an in-person hearing.
10:00 A.M.
Bill No. 35-0045 An Act amending title 5 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 407 relating to eligibility for
parole by adding section 4601a to establish Medical Parole as a basis for parole;
further amending title 5 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 407 by adding section 4601b
to establish Geriatric Parole as a basis for parole and for other related purposes.
Invited Testifier:
Ms. Wynnie Testamark, Director, V.I. Bureau of Corrections
Mr. Dennis Howell, Chairman, V.I. Parole Board
BOC officials are also expected to give testimony pursuant to a subpoena dated August 4, 2023. Testimony should include matters related to inmates remanded to the care, custody and control of the Bureau who are housed at off-island facilities. Specifically, about the Bureau’s director or staff’s visits to the facility and inmates, availability of academic and vocational programs and other related topics.
1:00 P.M.
The Committee is expected to receive testimony from the Virgin Islands Territorial Emergency Management Agency and supporting agencies relative to the state of readiness as we enter the peak of the 2023 Hurricane Season. Topics of discussions will include infrastructure, shelters, emergency housing, public safety and more.
Invited Testifiers:
Honorable Ray Martinez, Commissioner, V.I. Police Department
Daryl Jaschen, Director, VITEMA
MG Kodjo S. Knox-Limbacker, Adjutant General, V.I. National Guard
Honorable Kimberly Causey-Gomez, Commissioner, Department of Human Services
Daryl A. George, Director, V.I. Fire/EMS
Honorable Derek Gabriel, Commissioner, Department of Public Works