09 Sep
Committee on Education and Workforce Development
Monday, Frits E. Lawaetz Legislative Conference Room
The Committee on Education and Workforce Development will receive testimony from the Virgin Islands
Department of Education regarding the following:
1. Status of school facilities; specifically, plans, timelines, and contracts entered into for renovation, rehabilitation, and repairs to schools for occupancy by students and teachers this school year.
2. Status of the Bureau of School Construction and Maintenance.
3. A detailed breakdown of federal grants and utilization of funds for their respective purposes or
programs they support.
Invited Testifier:
Honorable Dr. Dionne Wells-Hedrington, Commissioner, Virgin Islands Department of Education
The Committee will hear testimony from students on their high school experience, including but
not limited to concerns, issues, and challenges they face in attending public high school.
Invited Testifiers:
Honorable Dr. Dionne Wells-Hedrington, Commissioner, Virgin Islands Department of Education
St. Croix Central High School Student Council and other invited students
St. Croix Educational Complex High School Student Council and other invited student