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Committee on Budget, Appropriations and Finance


The 35th Legislature’s Committee on Budget, Appropriations and Finance will meet on Tuesday, February 6, 2024, at 9:30 a.m. in the Frits E. Lawaetz Legislative Conference Room on St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands.


Bill No. 35-0133       An Act amending title 17 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 15, relating to scholarships by adding section 190gg to establish an educational scholarship program to support individuals interested in pursuing a career in the maritime industry in the Virgin Islands.

Invited Testifiers:

Dr. David Hall, SJD, President, University of the Virgin Islands

Honorable Dionne Wells-Hedrington, Ed.D, Commissioner, Department of Education

Dr. Kyza Callwood, Chairman, Virgin Islands Board of Education

Mr. Carlton Dowe, Executive Director, V.I Port Authority

Mr. Oriel Blake, President, Virgin Islands Charter Association

Mr. Richard Difede, President, Gold Coast Yachts

Ms. Jill Hughes, Port Captain, World Ocean School


Bill No. 35-0218        An Act amending title 24 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 12 relating to unemployment benefits by reducing the number of weeks that unemployment benefits can be received; increasing the statute of limitations for the collection of overpayments of unemployment benefits from claimants and for delinquent employer contribution; allowing for the implementation of the payroll variation methodology launch in the calendar year beginning January 2024; implementing a 10-year record retention period for employers; and requiring employers to register with the Virgin Islands State Information Data Exchange System

Invited Testifier:

Honorable Gary Molloy, Commissioner, Department of Labor


Feb 06 2024


9:30 am


Frits E. Lawaetz Legislative Conference Room
St. Croix
Senator Donna A. Frett- Gregory


Senator Donna A. Frett- Gregory
(340) 774-0880
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