Committee of the Whole
The 34th Legislature will convene in Committee of the Whole on Tuesday, November 16, 2021, at 11:00 a.m. in the Frits Lawaetz Conference Room on St. Croix to receive testimony on:
Bill No. 34-0145 – An Act approving the conveyance of Parcels 5-E and 5-F of VICORP Land, Prince Quarter, St. Croix, Virgin Islands to the University of the Virgin Islands Research and Technology Park Corporation and for other related purposes; rezoning Remainder Parcel 5-E from A-1 (Agricultural Zone) to A-29 (Agricultural Zone); rezoning Parcel 5-F from A-1 to B-3 (Business-Scattered); and providing for other related purposes
Proposed by: Senator Novelle E. Francis, Jr.
Invited Testifiers:
Mr. Peter Chapman, Executive Director – UVI Research and Technology Park
Mr. Positive T.A. Nelson, Commissioner – Department of Agriculture
Mr. Jean-Pierre Oriol, Commissioner – Department of Planning and Natural Resources
Mr. Anthony Thomas, Commissioner – Department of Property and Procurement