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Committee of the Whole


The Thirty-Fourth Legislature’s Committee of the Whole will convene to receive an update from the Executive Branch on the status of federal funds received pursuant to the six bills enacted to manage and mitigate the impact of the global coronavirus pandemic

Block I

The Legislature will take testimony and question the Executive Branch on the accounting of all funds that have been received from the federal government to include details on the amount of funds received, amounts obligated, amounts expended to date, and plans for unexpended funds for the following:

Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act

  • Family First Coronavirus Response Act
  • Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act
  • Paycheck Protection Program and Healthcare Enhancement Act
  • Consolidated Appropriations Act 2021

Block I

The Legislature will take testimony and question the Executive Branch on the following:

  • The government’s proposed plan for the use of the approximately $547 million dollars awarded to the Virgin Islands under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021
  • The government’s proposed infrastructure plan to address roads, bridges, sewer systems, water supply, electrical grids, and telecommunication systems in preparation for President Joe Biden’s “American Jobs Plan

Invited Testifiers:

Karl Knight, Chief of Staff Office of the Governor

Jenifer O’Neal, Director Office of Management and Budget

Adrienne L. Williams-Octalien, Director, Office of Disaster Recovery




Jun 23 2021


10:00 am


Earle B. Ottley Legislative Hall
Charlotte Amalie
Senator Donna A. Frett- Gregory


Senator Donna A. Frett- Gregory
(340) 774-0880
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