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Committee Legislative Session


Call to Order:    Honorable Donna A. Frett-Gregory Senate Presiden

Invocation:       Reverend Charles L. Brown, Jr., Pastor Family of Faith AME, Church                                                           

Anthem:            National Anthem and Virgin Islands March

Roll Call:           Honorable Genevieve R. Whitaker Legislative Secretary 

Messages from the Governor

Committee Reports: Chairpersons of Standing Committees

Special Orders and Overrides:


Block I – Nominee(s) and Resolution(s)

Deepak Bansal

Virgin Islands Board of Public Accountancy

Brittany Dawson, APRN, CNM

Virgin Islands Board of Nurse Licensure 

Elizabeth Dumas

Virgin Islands Board of Nurse Licensure

Dr. Chase Greep, DDS

Virgin Islands Board of Dental Examiners

Celia Nurse, PhD

Virgin Islands Board of Nurse Licensure

Akil Petersen

Virgin Islands Historic Preservation Commission

Stephen Samuel

Virgin Islands Board of Architects, Engineers, and Land Surveyors

Cherrisee Woods, Esq.

Virgin Islands Parole Board

Bosede A. Bruce, MBA

Commissioner, Department of Finance

Block II – Bill(s)

Bill No. 34-0004 An Act amending title 33 Virgin Islands Code, subtitle 1, part 1, chapter 5, section 91 relating to the payment of fuel taxes to change the time for remittance of the tax to the Bureau of Internal Revenue; and for other related purposes

Bill No. 34-0037 An Act amending title 15 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 3, section 89, subsections (b) and (c) relating to decedents estate and payment of certain debts without administration to increase the aggregate amount that a surviving spouse may receive from debtors upon the death of the creditor and to increase the amount of debt a debtor must pay the survivors of a decedent creditor not less than thirty days after the creditor’s death from not more than $5,000 to not more than $10,000

Bill No. 34-0058 An Act amending title 17 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 34 by adding a subchapter III to establish the Virgin Islands Catalyst Fund to provide loans to eligible entities to promote economic resiliency, and to support the retention or creation of jobs, to provide for the University of the Virgin Islands Research and Technology Park Corporation to administer the program and the fund, and to provide criteria for making loans; and making $5,000,000 appropriation the Virgin Islands Catalyst Fund and a $1,000,000 appropriation to the Economic Development Authority Enterprise Zone Program

Bill No. 34-0060 An Act amending the Virgin Islands Code title 21, chapters 1, 2, 3A and 4; amending title 29 §87, 191b, 191j and 945; amending title 33, chapter 7, § 130; and repealing title 21, chapter 1 §4; and title 29 chapter 1, §191f and §191g to enact The First-Time Homebuyers Program Act; making an appropriation of $4,000,000 from the Internal Revenue Matching Fund to the Homestead and Home Loan Fund; and making a $2,000,000 appropriation from the Internal Revenue Matching Fund to the Department of Public Works to construct The Leonardo “Nardo” Trotman Drive

Bill No. 34- 0071 An Act amending title 28 of the Virgin Islands Code, by adding a chapter 36 to enact The Virgin Islands Timeshare Act

Bill No. 34- 0077 An Act amending Act No.8365, the FiscalYear2021 Executive Budget, and Act No.8348, the Legislature’s Fiscal Year 2021 Budget to restore the 8% reduction in salaries to the employees of the Government of the Virgin Islands and for other relate purposes

Block III – Bill(s)

Bill No. 34-0030 An Act amending title 4, Virgin Islands Code, chapter 11, section 172 relating to the Virgin Islands Superior Court’s jurisdiction over children to divest the court of jurisdiction over judicial consent for the marriage of a child

Bill No. 34-0031 An Act amending title 14, Virgin Islands Code, chapter 24, section 504 relating to the penalties for child neglect to require the convicted person to attend counseling in addition to imprisonment or fine; and for other related purposes

Bill No. 34-0032 An Act amending title 14, Virgin Islands Code, chapter 24, section 505 relating to child abuse to require a person who abuses a child to seek counselling; and for other related purposes

Bill No. 34-0034 An Act amending title 1 Virgin Islands Code by adding chapter 3A enacting the Uniform Electronic Legal Material Act, to provide for the management of electronic legal information in a manner that guarantees the trustworthiness of and continuing access to important government legal material

Bill No. 34-0066 An Act amending title 33, Virgin Islands Code, chapter 89 subchapter III, section2541 to allow the Lt. Governor to collect unpaid property taxes and unpaid public sewer fees from the sale of delinquent taxpayer’s real property

Bill No. 34-0076 An Act amending title 5, subtitle1, part 1, chapter3, to grant seniors and the terminally ill preference in civil actions

Bill No. 34-0095 – An Act extending the State of Emergency in the Virgin Islands based on the COVID 19 Pandemic for an additional 90 days from August 5, 2021 to November 3, 2021


Aug 03 2021


10:00 am


Earle B. Ottley Legislative Hall
Charlotte Amalie
Senator Donna Frett-Gregory


Senator Donna Frett-Gregory
(340) 774-0880
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