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Published: Jul 16, 2024

ST. THOMAS – The Committee on Budget, Appropriations, and Finance, under the leadership of Senator Donna A. Frett-Gregory met in the Earle B. Ottley Legislative Hall. Lawmakers received testimony on the proposed Fiscal Year 2025 Executive Budget for Government of the Virgin Islands of the United States for the Virgin Islands Department of Human Services, and the Office of the Territorial Public Defender.

Averil George, Commissioner of the Virgin Islands Department of Human Services delivered its proposed FY 2025 budget of $68,287,052 from the General Fund. This total includes $625,000 miscellaneous appropriations. The recommended FY 2025 budget appropriation is 7% lower than that of FY 2024. In addition to its General Fund Budget, the Department expects to receive $205,259,624 in federal grants throughout Fiscal Year 2025. Of the General Fund allotment, Other Services is $34,754,491, Utility Services is $2,370,000, Capital Projects is $94,000, Personnel is $19,929,312, Fringe is $9,904,702, and Supplies is $1,234,457. Of the Federal Grants, Capital Projects at $140,000, Personnel at $18,497,050, $9,115,346 for fringe, and $2,120,413 for supplies and other services is $175,386,815. Total expected funding for the Department totals $276,133,058.

The Department of Human Services is one of the largest departments of the Government of the U.S. Virgin Islands. There are 651 active employees, fifteen divisions and eighty-four programs. 354 employees are in the St. Croix District, and 297 employees are in the St. Thomas/St. John District. 363 employees are on the federal fund, 288 are on the General Fund. There are 554 classified employees. There are six classified, non-union employees. There are ninety-one exempt employees. There were thirty-five resignations/retirements. There were seventy-two vacancies. Forty-one employees have been onboarded through the end of June 2024. This includes twenty-seven classified positions and fourteen exempt positions.

George said the division was challenged with staff shortages and outdated systems which have challenged the department with processing benefits timely. George informed the body that the department had applied for funding to improve the systems. Chair Donna A. Frett-Gregory stated that she was presented about what was presented in the budget, because of the extensive work that the department does, stating that it was not reflective of what came down in the 2025 budget book, and urged the department to review closely.

Julie Smith Todman, Esq., Chief Public Defender at the Office of the Territorial Public Defender delivered its proposed FY 2025 which was originally $6,342,220. However, based on increased caseload in the St. Croix District, Smith Todman stated that the Office revised its FY2025 budget to $6,602,220. The Office has thirty-four total employees, of which, all are unclassified and members of the GERS. In the St. Croix District, there are five trial attorneys. One trial attorney is also assigned to manage juvenile matters. Two new trial attorneys are scheduled to join the St. Croix district on July 29, 2024, and September 9, 2024. Other staff include: the Administrator, Investigator; Fiscal Accountant; Paralegal (who is bilingual); one, Administrative Assistant; three (3) Legal Secretaries, two of whom are bilingual, one in Spanish and the other in French Creole (Patois); the Director of Information Technology; one Receptionist; and one Custodian.

The St. Thomas-St. John district is comprised of five trial attorneys, and the sole Appellate Territorial Public Defender. Other staff in the St. Thomas district include: the Assistant Administrator; one Investigator; one Paralegal; three Legal Secretaries (including the one secretary who is bilingual); one Administrative Assistant; one Network Specialist; one Receptionist; one Messenger; and one Custodian. The Office is currently seeking a legal secretary position, and two attorneys. Total personnel services at the office totals $3,800,000, capital outlays $80,000, Fringe Benefits $1,290,000, Supplies at $270,000, other services and charges, $771,500, and Utility Services at $130,720. Other services and charges include professional services, communication, travel, bulk tickets, transportation (not travel), insurance, rental-land/building, auto repairs, training, security, all other and workman’s compensation. There are six total vacant positions.

Senators present at today’s committee hearing included Donna A. Frett-Gregory, Novelle E. Francis, Jr., Marvin A. Blyden, Diane T. Capehart, Dwayne M. DeGraff, Ray Fonseca, Kenneth L. Gittens, Alma Francis Heyliger, and Javan E. James, Sr.

The Division of Public Affairs is committed to providing the community with accurate information on proceedings at the Legislature of the Virgin Islands. Visit legvi.org.


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