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Published: Aug 29, 2024

ST. THOMAS – The Committee on Budget, Appropriations, and Finance, Chaired by Senator Donna A. Frett-Gregory met in the Earle B. Ottley Legislative Hall. Lawmakers received testimony on the proposed Fiscal Year 2025 Executive Budget for the Government of the Virgin Islands of the United States for the Virgin Islands Economic Development Authority and the Virgin Islands Department of Property and Procurement.

Wayne Biggs, Chief Executive Officer of the Virgin Islands Economic Development Authority delivered its proposed FY 2025 Budget of $6,613,000. This budget is the same as Fiscal Year 2024. Of this proposed budget, $5,175,616 is allocated to Personnel Services. There are 48 full-time positions. There are 43 currently filled positions. There are 5 vacancies, which includes one new position. There are 32 classified positions and 16 unclassified positions. There is another full-time position fully supported by a federal grant. $563,974 is allocated for personnel services. $322,814 is allocated for marketing activities. Capital Outlay is projected at $30,000. Calling all vacant positions critical, Biggs voiced the need to expand its staff as the Authority expands its portfolio.

Lisa M. Alejandro, Commissioner of the Virgin Islands Department of Property and Procurement delivered its total proposed General Fund request of $13,615,046. $2,823,123 is reserved for Personnel services. This is broken down into $774,298 for classified salaries and $2,048,825 for unclassified salaries.  $1,264,525 is allocated for Fringe Benefits, $132,681 for Supplies, $450,000 for Utility Services, $8,644,717 for other services, and $300,000 for Capital Projects.  The total operating budget for the Department totals $20,850,998. This includes $17,350,998 in appropriated funds and $3,500,000 in non-appropriated funds. The Appropriated funds includes the General Fund, Business and Commercial Revolving Fund of $3,500,952, and indirect cost fund of $185,000. Non-appropriated funds include the Central Motor Pool Fund of $500,000, the Central Warehouse Fund of $900,000, Gasoline Coupon Fund of $1,500,000, and Printing and Production fund of $600,000. The Department has a total of 78 employees in the territory. There are 47 employees in the St. Thomas-St. John. District and 31 employees are in the St. Croix District. There are 23 classified employees. There are 55 unclassified employees. There are 10 vacant and new employees. Two employees were promoted in the department. Two were hired. However, the department lost 8 employees including two retirements, one dismissal, and 5 resignations. Alejandro stated that the greatest challenge at the Department remains the recruitment and retention of knowledgeable and experienced staff.

Senators present at today’s committee hearing included Donna A. Frett-Gregory, Novelle E. Francis, Jr., Marvin A. Blyden, Samuel Carriόn, Diane T. Capehart, Dwayne M. Degraff, Ray Fonseca, Kenneth L. Gittens, Javan E. James, Sr., Franklin D. Johnson. and Carla J. Joseph.

The Division of Public Affairs is committed to providing the community with accurate information on proceedings at the Legislature of the Virgin Islands. Visit legvi.org.


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