Committee on Health, Hospitals and Human Services

The Committee on Health, Hospitals & Human Services has scheduled a hearing on Wednesday, February 9, 2022, 10:00 am in the Earle B. Ottley Legislative Hall to receive an update from the Virgin Islands Department on Health on behavioral health in the Virgin Islands and an overview of the use of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds earmarked for public health. The committee will also receive an overview of the Virgin Islands Department of Human Services, to include programs and senior homes. Finally, the committee will discuss homelessness in the territory and possible solutions to alleviate this public health crisis.

Block I:

Update on Behavioral Health in the Virgin Islands, overview of the use of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds earmarked for public health

Invited Testifier:

The Honorable Justa E. Encarnacion

Commissioner, VI Department of Health

Block II:

Overview of the VI Department of Human Services

 Invited Testifier:

The Honorable Kimberley Causey-Gomez

Commissioner, VI Department of Human Services

Block III:

Homelessness in the territory and possible solutions to alleviate this public health crisis

Invited Testifiers:

The Honorable Kimberley Causey-Gomez

Commissioner, VI Department of Human Services

Dayna Clendinen

Chief Disaster Recovery Officer (CDBG-DR), VI Housing Finance Authority

Malik Stridiron

Executive Director, Ten Thousand Helpers of St. Croix

Maria Ferraras

Private citizen


Feb 09 2022


10:00 am


Earle B. Ottley Legislative Hall
Charlotte Amalie
Senator Novelle E. Francis, Jr.


Senator Novelle E. Francis, Jr.
(340) 773-2424
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