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Relief for Electrical Power is on the Horizon as the Senate’s Rules and Judiciary Committee Approves Several Pieces of Legislation

Published: Oct 11, 2024

ST. CROIX – The Senate’s Committee on Rules and Judiciary, chaired by Senator Diane T. Capehart met Thursday, October 10, 2024, in the Frits E. Lawaetz Legislative Conference Room, St. Croix. Chairwoman Capehart said that today’s meeting bore much significance as the committee is able to vote on the fruits of the first Rules and Judiciary Symposium that was held earlier this year. “The Code Revisor Office,  a Division of the Legislature, was instrumental in reviewing all 34 Titles of the Code and recommended these first set of amendments. In the next several months, Senator Capehart will introduce many more amendments to update the Virgin Islands Code. Many thanks to the Committee members for their input and effort,” says Attorney Ivor Stridiron, Code Revisor of the Legislature of the Virgin Islands. Senator Capehart added, “Bill #35-0388 is the beginning of doing just that.”

In Block One on the day’s agenda were: Bill No. 35-0300 – An Act approving a lease agreement between the Government of the Virgin Islands, acting through its Commissioner of the Department of Property and Procurement, and Advance Power, LLC, for three portions of Parcel 1-A Estate Bovoni, for the purpose of constructing, operating, and maintaining wind turbine generators, offices, metering, maintenance sheds, access roads, utility substations as part of a microgrid on St. Thomas and other related purposes. Sponsored by Senators Novelle E. Francis, Jr. and Angel L. Bolques, Jr., by Request of the Governor.

Bill No. 35-0320 – An Act approving the lease agreement between the Government of the Virgin Islands, acting through the Commissioner of the Department of Property and Procurement, and Advance Power, LLC, for two portions of Parcels No. 1 and Remainder 39-A and 49 Estate Cassava Garden, Queen’s Quarter, St. Croix, Virgin Islands, for the purpose of constructing, operating, and maintaining wind turbine generators, maintenance sheds, access roads, utility substations as part of a microgrid, and for other related purposes on St. Croix. Sponsored by Senator Novelle E. Francis, Jr.by Request of the Governor

Bill No. 35-0374 – An Act approving the conveyance of Parcel No. 201 Submarine Base, No.6 Southside Quarter, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands from the Government of the Virgin Islands to the Virgin Islands Public Broadcasting System. Sponsored by Senators Novelle E. Francis, Jr. and Marvin A. Blyden by Request of the Governor.

Bill No. 35-0383An Act approving the lease agreement between the Government of the Virgin Islands and St. Croix Science Teachers’ Association, Inc., for Parcel No. 10-P VICORP Land, King Quarter, St. Croix, Virgin Islands. Sponsored By Senator Novelle E. Francis, Jr., by Request of the Governor

Bill No. 35-0384 – An Act approving Amendment No. 1 to the Lease Agreement between the Government of the Virgin Islands and the Virgin Islands Waste Management Authority to amend the premises by replacing the parcel of land described as a portion of Parcel No. 10-B VICORP Land, King Quarter, St. Croix, Virgin Islands, with Parcel No. 10-M VICORP Land, King Quarter, St. Croix, Virgin Islands. Sponsored by Senator Novelle E. Francis, Jr., by Request of the Governor.

After a round of debate and commentary by each committee member, the Bills were unanimously approved and sent to the full Body for further consideration.

In Block II the committee considered the following Bills:

Bill No. 35-0031 – An Act amending Title 5, Virgin Islands Code, subtitle 3, part I, by adding a new chapter 301A, creating the Child Victims’ and Child Witnesses’ Rights Act and repealing chapter 301, subchapter IV, section 3510. Sponsored by Senator Angel Bolques (bill was approved with an amendment to the language)

Bill No. 35-0283 – An Act amending title 19 Virgin Islands Code, part III, chapter 34, the Virgin Islands Cannabis Use Act. Sponsored by Senators Donna A. Frett-Gregory and Javan E. James, Sr.

Bill No. 35-0289 An Act amending Title 27 of the Virgin Islands Code by raising the legal age to purchase tobacco products from 18 to 21 years of age. Sponsored by Senator Ray Fonseca

And in the last Block of the day, Block III the committee considered the following:

Bill No. 35-0285 – An Act honoring and commending Bryan “Benny-Demus” Boulai for his outstanding achievements in the music and entertainment industries and for his contributions to the Virgin Islands community, awarding him The Official Key to the Virgin Islands, and appropriating $10,000 annually to The DEMUS Foundation. Sponsored by Senators Ray Fonseca and Angel L. Bolques, Jr.; Co-Sponsor Senator Samuel Carrion.

Bill No. 35-0286 – An Act honoring and commending Verne Antonio Hodge for his years of dedicated service to the people of the Virgin Islands and its jurisprudence by renaming the Superior Court of the Virgin Islands, St. Thomas/St. John, the “Judge Verne A. Hodge Superior Court of the Virgin Islands.” Sponsored by Senators Kenneth L. Gittens, Angel L. Bolques, Jr., Milton E. Potter, Marvin A. Blyden, Marise C. James, Carla J. Joseph, Alma Francis- Heyliger, Dwayne M. DeGraff, Franklin D. Johnson and Donna A. Frett-Gregory; Co-Sponsors Senators Ray Fonseca and Samuel Carrion

Bill No. 35-0257 An Act to develop and produce an annual U.S. Virgin Islands Beer, Wine, and Spirits Festival. Sponsored by Senator Diane T. Capehart.

Bill Request No. 35-0388 – An Act updating the Virgin Islands Code, providing for efficiency in government operations across the agencies and Departments (Omnibus Bill)

All of the above the noted measures were unanimously approved and sent to the full Body for further consideration.

As it relates to Bill #35-0257, “I want to thank my colleagues for their collaborative efforts, the Department of Tourism, Chambers of Commerce, and the local distilleries and breweries for their contributions to the legislation. At the heart of resolving issues related to healthcare, education, elderly care, behavioral health, housing, and youth services is the need for funding to initiate or maintain services,” says Capehart. Senator Capehart further explained, “Distilling, happening mostly here on St. Croix, is one of the largest revenue generators in this territory. It is happening here on the island of St. Croix. It makes sense to capitalize on that industry to enhance its growth. Through this legislation, my goal is to provide a revenue generator to bring funding into the treasury. I have several more revenue generators that I will work diligently to pass before the end of the 35th. Anything for St. Croix! St. Croix NOW!”

Senators Diane T. Capehart, Milton E. Potter, Angel L. Bolques,, Marise C. James, Carla Jospeh, Novelle E. Francis, Jr.,  Kenneth L. Gittens, Ray Fonseca, and Franklin D. Johnson were in attendance.

The Division of Public Affairs remains committed to providing timely updates on legislative activities.                                                                                                                          

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