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Published: Jun 25, 2021

St. THOMAS- Members of the Committee on Rules and Judiciary chaired by Sen. Milton Potter, convened in a meeting at the Capitol Building on Friday, and received testimony on the nominations to serve on the Virgin Islands Historic Commission, the Virgin Islands Board of Nurse Licensure, and the Virgin Islands Board of Dental Examiners. Additionally, lawmakers voted and approved several measures. All items approved will be forwarded to the Full Body for further consideration.

Committee members voted favorably for Nominee Akil Petersen to serve as a member for the Virgin Islands Historic Commission, Nominee Elizabeth Dumas, and Nominee Brittany Dawson APRN, CNM to serve on the Virgin Islands Board of Nurse Licensure, Nominee Dr. Chase Greep, DDS to serve on the Virgin Islands Board of Dental Examiners, and Nominee Bosede Bruce to serve as a Commissioner of the Virgin Islands Department of Finance. The nominations were sent to the Legislature of the Virgin Islands by Governor Albert Bryan; set forth from Section (16) of the Revised Organic Act of 1954, and Title 3, Section 65a of the Virgin Islands Code.

Peterson pledges to continue to preserve the history of the Virgin Islands and expand library services Territory-wide. In response to Sen. Potter’s inquiry regarding best methods to make historic preservation a priority for young people, Peterson noted that the first step is to incorporate the history of the Virgin Islands into the education system, summer programs, and to conduct tours of Downtown Charlotte Amalie for the students. Meanwhile, achieving health equity and narrowing the gap of racial disparity of minority women in childbirth is one of the major goals of Dawson. Furthermore, Dawson mentioned that she is willing to improve patient care and ultimately influence policy work in the Medical Industry. Concurringly, throughout employment at the Governor Juan F. Luis Hospital, Dumas indicated that her primary goal to serving on the Virgin Islands Board of Nurse Licensure is to assist in the advancement of the nursing profession in the Virgin Islands. Dr. Greep stated that he provided dental care in numerous capacities throughout natural disasters, economic hardships, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Greep hopes to use his wealth of experience to contribute to the growth of the Dental Industry in the Territory. Lastly, Bruce stated that some of her long-term goals for the Department of Finance are inclusive of transitioning from manual to electronic fund disbursements, developing an online portal for government cash receipts, and offering services throughout the Virgin Islands. Sen. Potter stated that all the nominees are qualified to serve in their perspective positions because of their extensive educational achievements along with their years of experience.

Separately, policymakers approved the following measures:

  • Bill No. 34-0037- An Act amending Title 15 V.I.C., chapter 3, section 89, subsections (b) and (c) relating to decedents estate and payment of certain debts without administration to increase the aggregate amount that a surviving spouse may receive from debtors upon the death of the creditor and to increase the amount of debt a debtor must pay the survivors of a decedent creditor not less than thirty days after the creditor’s death from not more than $5,000 to not more than $10,000. Sponsor: Senator Alma Francis Heyliger
  • Bill No. 34-0034- An Act amending Title 1 V.I.C. by adding chapter 3A enacting the Uniform Electronic Legal Material Act, to provide for the management of electronic legal information in a manner that guarantees the trustworthiness of and continuing access to important government legal material. Sponsors: Senators Carla Joseph and Genevieve Whitaker
  • Bill No. 34-0004- An Act amending Title 33 V.I.C, subtitle 1, part 1, chapter 5, section 91 relating to the payment of fuel taxes to change the time for remittance of the tax to the Bureau of Internal Revenue; and for other related purposes. Sponsor: Senator Donna A. Frett-Gregory & Co-sponsored: Senators Genevieve Whitaker, Samuel CarriÏŒn, and Steven Payne, Sr.

However, the following was held in committee:

  • Bill No. 34-0035- An Act amending Title 16, V.I.C, chapter 1, subchapter III, section 61 relating to a wife’s name to give either party to a marriage the right to use the mother’s surname. Sponsor: Senator Alma Francis Heyliger


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