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Published: Mar 26, 2024

ST. THOMAS – The 35th Legislature of the Virgin Islands, led by Senate President Novelle E. Francis, Jr. convened in regular legislative session at the Earle B. Ottley Legislative Hall. Lawmakers approved nominees to various boards and departments. Additionally, various coastal zone management permits, leases, bills, and resolutions were passed.  

The following nominees were approved: 

  • Harold W. L. Willocks, Esq., Justice of the Supreme Court of the Virgin Islands 
  • Averil E. George, Commissioner, Department of Human Services 
  • Antonio O. Stevens, Director, Virgin Islands Fire and Emergency Medical Services  
  • Maurice K. Muia, to the Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority Board of Directors  
  • May A. Cornwall, to the Virgin Islands Coastal Zone Management – District of St. Croix  
  • Dr. Nathaniel Olive, Non-Agricultural Interest Member, VI Conservation District – St. Croix  
  • Carlos Robles, Land Occupier Member, VI Conservation District – St. Thomas 

The following Coastal Zone Management Permits and rezonings were approved: 

  • Bill No. 35-0212, An Act ratifying Minor Coastal Zone Permit No. CZT-18-21(W) issued to Beach Life, LLC for the continued use and occupancy of submerged lands and the installation of a five-foot wide by thirty-foot long floating dock anchored by a four-foot wide by twenty-four-foot-long wooden walkway on the beach and seaward of Tract C-1 Estate Water Island, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands. The measure was proposed by Senator Novelle E. Francis, Jr., by Request of the Governor.  
  • Bill No. 35-0213, An Act granting a conditional zoning use variance for Plots Nos. 219 and 220 Estate Morning Star, Queen Quarter, St. Croix, from the R-1 (Residential-Low Density) zoning designation to allow for a restaurant and bar, amphitheater, retail, a barber or beauty salon, short-term rental/guesthouse, and event space rental/rental of commercial space. The measure was proposed by Senator Novelle E. Francis, Jr., by Request of the Governor.  
  • Bill No. 35-0233, An Act granting a use variance to Parcels No. 41 Remainder Estate Contant and 41- C Estate Contant, 7A Southside Quarter, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands to allow for commercial parking. The measure was proposed by Senator Novelle E. Francis, Jr., by Request of the Governor. 
  • Bill No. 35-0234, An Act granting a zoning variance from the I-2 (Light Industry) zoning designation to Revised Parcel No. 17-3 Remainder Estate Nisky, No. 6 Southside Quarter, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, to allow for a business hotel. The measure was proposed by Senator Novelle E. Francis, Jr., by Request of the Governor. 
  • Bill No. 35-0235, An Act amending Official Zoning Map No. STZ-7 to rezone Reconfigured Remainder Consolidated Parcel No. 1-13 Estate Donoe, No. 2A New Quarter, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, from R-4 (Residential-Medium Density) to B-3 (Business-Scattered). The measure was proposed by Senator Novelle E. Francis, Jr., by Request of the Governor. 

The following leases and resolution were approved: 

  • Bill No. 35-0077, An Act approving the lease agreement between the Government of the Virgin Islands, acting through its Commissioner of the Department of Property and Procurement and St. Thomas Rescue, Inc., Parcel No. 146 Revised Submarine Base No. 6, Southwest Quarter, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, consisting of a one-story building, on approximately 0.1899 U.S. acres of improved land more-or-less, zoned P, for the purpose of operating a long-term headquarters for all rescue related activities of the Lessee, and for other related purposes. The measure was proposed by Senator Novelle E. Francis Jr. 
  • Bill No. 35-0211, An Act approving the Lease Agreement between the Government of the Virgin Islands, acting through its Commissioner of the Department of Property and Procurement, and James O. Gaston for Plot No. 9-G VICORP Lands, Prince Quarter, St. Croix, Virgin Islands, consisting of approximately 653,400 U.S. sq. ft. or 15 U.S. acres of unimproved land, more or less, as shown on Drawing No. A9-5-C008 to be used for crop production and rearing small livestock . The measure was proposed by Senator Novelle E. Francis, Jr., by Request of the Governor. 
  • No. 35-0225, An Act approving the multi-year lease agreement between the Government of the Virgin Islands, acting through its Commissioner of the Department of Property and Procurement, and Virgin Islands Center for Architecture, Crafts, and Build Heritage, St. Croix, Inc. d/b/a Virgin Islands Architecture Center for Build Heritage and Crafts, for Plot No. 8 Church Street and Plots No. 21, 22, and 23 Hospital Street, Christiansted Town, Company Quarter, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, consisting of two, two-story masonry buildings to be used for the common good, welfare, and education of the people of the Virgin Islands on heritage and cultural legacy, and for other related purposes. The measure was proposed by Senator Novelle E. Francis, Jr., by Request of the Governor. 
  • Bill No. 35-0245, An Act approving the lease agreement between the Government of the Virgin Islands, acting through its Commissioner of the Department of Property and Procurement and the Virgin Islands Housing Finance Authority, for Plot No. B Lagoon Street Complex, Frederiksted Town, West End Quarter, St. Croix, Virgin Islands, consisting of two two-story buildings consisting collectively of 32,604 U.S. sq. ft. or 0.6366 U.S. acre of improved land more-or-less, for the operation of a Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Relief Program, and for other related purposes. The measure was proposed by Senator Novelle E. Francis, Jr., by Request of the Governor. 
  • Bill No. 35-0246, An Act approving the Lease Agreement between the Government of the Virgin Islands and Pro Mar Services, Inc. for Parcels No. 149-2, 159A and 159-1 Submarine Base, No. 6 Southside Quarter, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, and Parcel No. 159 Remainder, Southside Quarter, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands. The measure was proposed by Senator Novelle E. Francis, Jr., by Request of the Governor. 
  • Bill No. 35-0116, A Resolution honoring and commending Honorary Brigadier General Leayle Gerard Galiber for his leadership in the Virgin Islands National Guard and his dedication to his country and to the people of the Virgin Islands. The measure was proposed by Senators Novelle E. Francis Jr., and Dwayne M. DeGraff. 

The following bills were approved: 

  • Bill No. 35-0107, An Act posthumously honoring and commending Dr. Fenella Cooper for her contributions to the fields of education, sports, and culture, and naming the UVI tennis courts in her honor. The measure was proposed by Senator Marvin A. Blyden. 
  • Bill No. 35-0115, An Act repealing Title 24, Virgin Islands Code, Chapter 17, subchapter II, “Limited Use of Criminal Records in Hiring Practices,” and enacting in its place “The Fair Chance for Employment Act” relative to criminal record checks in the employment application process; and amending Title 3, Virgin Islands Code, Chapter 25, subchapter I, section 452 requiring the Director of Personnel to develop and implement fair chance hiring policies; and for other related purposes. The measure was proposed by Senators Donna A. Frett-Gregory, Alma Francis Heyliger, Angel L. Bolques, Jr., Franklin D. Johnson, and Dwayne M. DeGraff. 
  • Bill No. 35-0133, An Act amending Title 17, Virgin Islands Code, Chapter 15, by adding section 190gg establishing a scholarship program to support individuals interested in pursuing a career in the maritime industry in the Virgin Islands. The measure was proposed by Senators Angel L. Bolques, Jr., Samuel Carriόn, Donna A. Frett Gregory, Dwayne M. DeGraff and Milton E. Potter, and co-sponsored Senator Ray Fonseca. 
  • Bill No. 35-0172, An Act amending Title 29, Chapter 5, Virgin Islands Code, relating to building codes to provide for adoption of nationally recognized consensus-based codes and standards and amendments to such codes that are in the best interests of the territory, and to provide for clarifications to the Virgin Islands building code. The measure was proposed by Senators Donna A. Frett-Gregory and Alma Francis Heyliger, and co-sponsored by Senator Novelle E. Francis, Jr. 
  • Bill No. 35-0178, An Act amending Title 5, Virgin Islands Code, Chapter 314, to add a section 3732a to allow for the automatic expungement of arrest records upon a finding that the arrest lacked probable cause and amending Title 3, Virgin Islands Code, Chapter 33, Section 881(g), Item 9 relating to public records to designate expunged criminal records as confidential records. The measure was proposed by Senators Javan E. James, Sr., Franklin D. Johnson, and Angel L. Bolques, Jr. Co-Sponsors: Samuel Carriόn and Novelle E. Francis, Jr. 
  • Bill No. 35-0182, An Act amending Title 14 of the Virgin Islands Code, Chapter 51, by designating the existing provisions as subchapter I and adding a subchapter II relating to the nonconsensual dissemination of sexually explicit images. The measure was proposed by Senators Donna A. Frett-Gregory, Kenneth L. Gittens, Angel L. Bolques, Jr., Alma Francis Heyliger, Dwayne M. DeGraff and Milton E. Potter and co-sponsored by Senator Novelle E. Francis Jr. 
  • Bill No. 35-0184, An Act to honor and commend Viggo E. Sewer posthumously for his ultimate contribution to the Virgin Islands and renaming East End Road on Route 10 on the island of St. John, in his honor. The measure was proposed by Senators Dwayne M. DeGraff and Angel Bolques, Jr., and Co-Sponsored by Senator Samuel Carrion. 
  • Bill No. 35-0249, An Act authorizing the reprogramming of the remaining unused proceeds of the Series 2016 Emergency First Responder Line of Credit totaling $114,952.21, issued pursuant to Act No. 7866 as amended by Act No. 7876, to assist the Virgin Islands Police Department in offsetting costs associated with hosting the June 2024 National Alliance of State Drug Enforcement Agencies International Symposium. 
  • Bill No. 35-0247, A Resolution requiring the Virgin Islands Public Services Commission to file an official complaint on behalf of the people of the Virgin Islands against Liberty Latin America, Liberty Mobile USVI, and Liberty Mobile Puerto Rico with the Federal Communications Commission. The measure was proposed by Senator Donna A. Frett-Gregory, and cosponsored by Senator Angel L. Bolques, Jr., Diane T. Capehart, Ray Fonseca, Novelle E. Francis, Jr., Kenneth L. Gittens, Javan E. James, Sr., and Carla J. Joseph. 
  • Bill No. 35-0196, An Act to amend Title 3, Virgin Islands Code, Sections 717(c) and 766(c) to establish a deadline for the GERS to resume the personal loan program, remove the $10,000,000 annual aggregate amount and the 8% interest rate cap, limit the system’s liability to $75,000, and set a parameter in section 717 that all loans must be structured such that the payoff date occurs before the retiree reaches age 70. The measure was proposed by Senators Milton E. Potter, Dwayne M. DeGraff, Ray Fonseca, and Franklin D. Johnson. 
  • Bill No. 35-0208, An Act honoring and commending Mrs. Bernice Alma Turnbull for her lifetime service and dedication to the people of the Virgin Islands. Senators: Milton E. Potter, Carla Joseph, Alma Francis Heyliger, Kenneth L. Gittens and Dwayne M. DeGraff and cosponsored by Senator Samuel Carriόn and Ray Fonseca.  
  • Bill No. 35-0218, An Act amending Title 24, Virgin Islands Code, Chapter 12 relating to unemployment benefits by: reducing the number of weeks that unemployment benefits can be received; increasing the statute of limitations for the collection of overpayments of unemployment benefits from claimants and for delinquent employer contribution; allowing for the implementation of the payroll variation methodology launch in the calendar year beginning January 2024; implementing a 10-year record retention period for employers; and requiring employers to register with the Virgin Islands State Information Data Exchange System. Senator Novelle E. Francis, Jr., by Request of the Governor.  
  • Bill No. 35-0223, An Act renaming a portion of Gamle Gade the “William A. Industrious Street”. The measure was proposed by Senators Carla J. Joseph and Ray Fonseca. 
  • Bill No. 35-0226, An Act amending Title 16, Virgin Islands Code, Chapter 13, Subchapter I, Section 345, Subsection (c) by establishing a minimum default amount for child support. The measure was proposed by Senators Carla J. Joseph, Alma Francis Heyliger and Angel L. Bolques, Jr. 
  • Bill No. 35-0237, An act amending Title 1, Virgin Islands Code, Chapter 11 to recognize the month of March as Girl Scouts Month.  
  • Bill No. 35-0207, An Act amending Title 19, Virgin Islands Code, Part I, adding chapter 6a to create the Territorial Chronic Kidney Disease, Stroke and Diabetes Registry. This bill also contains non-germane amendments. The measure was proposed by Senator Ray Fonseca.  

Senators present at today’s legislative session included Novelle E. Francis, Jr., Marvin A. Blyden, Diane T. Capehart, Ray Fonseca, Alma Francis Heyliger, Donna A. Frett-Gregory, Kenneth L. Gittens, Javan E. James, Sr., Franklin D. Johnson, and Carla J. Joseph.  

The Division of Public Affairs is committed to providing the community with accurate information on legislative proceedings and other events at the Legislature of the Virgin Islands. Visit legvi.org. 


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