Time: 10:00 A.M.
Call to Order: Honorable Novelle E. Francis, Jr.
Senate President
Invocation: Reverend Charles L. Brown, Jr.
Chaplain, 35th Legislature of the Virgin Islands
Anthem: National Anthem and Virgin Islands March
Roll Call: Honorable Carla J. Joseph
Legislative Secretary
Pursuant to Section 7 (a) of the Revised Organic Act of 1954, as amended for the United States Virgin
Islands, the 35th Legislature will convene in Special Session called by the Honorable Albert Bryan Jr.,
Governor of the United States Virgin Islands.
The 35th Legislature will dissolve into Committee of the Whole
to receive testimony and will then rise into Session to vote on the matter.
BR No. 23-0485 An Act authorizing the Governor to utilize monies from public funds of the Virgin
Islands to create working capital to provide funds for any purpose for which the Government is authorized to use and expend monies, including but not limited to, current expenses, capital expenditures, and discharge of any obligations of the Government for the next three fiscal years, beginning with 2023 and to issue a line of credit in the maximum amount of $150,000,000 and issue tax anticipation notes to provide funding for authorized governmental operations
Invited Testifiers:
Jenifer C. O’Neal, Director, Office of Management and Budget
The Honorable Bosede A. Bruce, Commissioner, VI Department of Finance
Adrienne Williams-Octalien, Director, Office of Disaster Recovery
Nathan Simmonds, Director, Finance and Administration, Public Finance Authority
Kye Walker, Esq., The Walker Legal Group
Andrew Smith, Executive Director, VI Water and Power Authority