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Legislative Session

Block I Nominee(s) and Resolution(s)

Ms. Amy Durad

Virgin Islands Board of Pharmacy

Ms. Amialyn Augustus

Virgin Islands Board of Social Work Licensure

Ms. Maureen Burke-Venture

Virgin Islands Finance Authority Board

Mr. Kirk Lewis

Virgin Islands Board of Aquaculture and Mariculture

Ms. Erica Johnson

University of the Virgin Islands Board of Trustees

Mr. Raymond Burton, Jr.

Mr. Damian Cartwright

Virgin Islands Boards of Architects, Engineers, and Land Surveyors

Ms. Karen Korsgren

Virgin Islands Real Estate Commission

Mr. Pedro Williams

Virgin Islands Public Services Commission

Mr. Derek Gabriel, Commissioner, Designee

Virgin Islands Department of Public Works

Bill No. 34-0019 – A Resolution honoring and commending Ronaqua Russell for her heroic achievements and extraordinary performance that resulted in her becoming the first Africa-American female aviator in the United States Coast Guard to receive the Air Medal

Block II

BILL (s)

Bill No. 34-0003 –  An Act amending title 29 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 3, subchapter I, section 235 (c) relating to the time period within which the Zoning Administrator must act on a building permit application submitted to the Department of Planning Natural Resources to set time limits; requiring the Department to implement an Electronic Permitting System; amending chapter 5 section 296 relating to fees and fines for building permits to require that 3 percent of the fees collected under that section be deposited into the Department’s Reclamation Fund for maintaining the electric permitting system; and amending title 12, section 911(f)(4) relating to the Natural Resources Reclamation Fund to include three (3) percent of the fees collected in 29 V.I.C. 296 as a funding source for the Natural Resources Reclamation Fund

Bill No. 34-0005 An Act amending title 3 Virgin Islands Code, Chapter 5, subchapter 1, section 65a, subsections ((a) c), (d), and (e) relating to filling vacancies on boards and commissions to authorize the Governor to nominate persons to boards and commissions sixty days before the expiration of the term of an existing board or commission member; to clarify the limitation on the number of governmental boards and commissions on which commissioners and directors of the Virgin Islands Government may serve, while serving on the board or commission of any autonomous or semi-autonomous agency, to grant the  Governor greater discretion in appointing statutorily designated commissions and other agency executive to boards and  commission by authorizing the Governor to appoint alternative representative heads; of executive agencies; adding subsection (f) to allow off-island members to serve on boards and commissions and providing for other related purposes

Bill No. 34-0023 – An Act amending title 12 of the Virgin Islands Code by adding a chapter 2A to establish the Invasive Species Eradication Community Program; and to establishing the Invasive Species Eradication Community Program Fund including an Imprest Account for the payment of bounties under the Program; and appropriating $10,000 from the Animal Fund to the Invasive Species Eradication Community Program Fund

Bill No. 34-0025 – An Act amending title 3, Virgin Islands Code chapter 16, section 273 relating to the Public Services  Commission to reduce the membership of the Commission from nine to seven members, to provide for a maximum of two Commission members to reside outside of the territory, to provide for virtual attendance of Commission meetings, to increase the per diem for appoint Commissions members from $50 to $175, to establish minimum criteria for Public Services Commission members, to prohibit Commission members from having a financial interest in a utility, to prohibit a family member of a person serving in an executive capacity at a public utility subject to regulation by the Commission from being appointed to the Commission; to prohibit person serving in a executive capacity at a public utility form serving as a member of the Commission for at least two years leaving employment with the public utility; to prohibit Commission members from entering into an employment relationship or other agreement with either an entity regulated by the Commission or a subcontractor of the entity for one year after completion of service to the Commission, to prohibit voting members from holding other public offices and to prohibit Commission members from raising campaign funds and actively campaigning for political candidate’s other than a member’s family


Bill Np. 34-0026 – An Act amending title 30, Virgin Islands Code, chapter 5, subchapter II, section 103 relating to the Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority to establish minimum criteria for the Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority Governing Board and changing the number of its members; and amending section 104 (b) to change the number of members of the Governing Board consisting a quorum form five to four

Block III


Bill No. 34-0008An Act amending Act No. 7453 § 2A, as amended by Act No. 7599,  9 (e) to reprogram $200,000 from Gross Receipt Taxes Bonds proceeds to renovate the Police Athletic League Headquarters in Estate Whim, St. Croix

Bill No. 34-0013 – An act appropriating $2,050,000.00 from the St. Croix Capital Improvement Fund for replacement of the existing, deteriorated tender landing pier and repairs at the Ann E. Abramson Marine Terminal in Frederiksted, St. Croix

Bill No. 34-0014 – An Act appropriating $1,600,000 from the Communities Facilities Trust Account for the four community facilities projects on St. Croix, Virgin Islands including the projects of the pier at King’s Alley Hotel in Christiansted, the dock at Gallows Bay Pier, and the roll-on /roll off ramp at Krause Lagoon; and appropriating $50,000 to the Department of Sports, Parks and Recreation from the Tourism Advertising Revolving Fund to complete a Site Utilization Plan for Estate Nazareth 1 & 2 Red Hook, St. Thomas Virgin Islands

Bill No. 34-0020 – An Act appropriating $675,000 from the Community Facility Trust Fund to the Department of Sports, Parks, and Recreation to be used Caribbean Drag Racing Association for restoration of facilities at the St. Croix Motor Sports Complex, making an appropriation and for other related purposes

Bill No. 34-0024 An Act amending Act No. 8365, relating to the fiscal year 2021 operating budget for the Government of the Virgin Islands to appropriate $3,533,333.34 to the Department of Justice to pay the settlement agreement of Joe Harold d/b/a Vanterpool Enterprises v. Government of the Virgin Islands, to appropriate $2,000,000 to the Department of Labor for the payment of outstanding Worker’s Compensation payments to medical providers to appropriate $40,000 to Clean Sweep Frederiksted for the beautification of the town of Frederiksted; and amending Act No. 8411 to increase the Grand Total General Fund appropriations

Block IV

Bill (s)

Bill No. 34-0028An Act amending title 19 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 37, subchapter, III adding section 870 to authorize registered nurses and certified registered nurse practitioners employed by a certified by licensed hospice, or,  certifies or nursing home to determine and pronounce death under certain specified conditions; and requiring the Department of Health to promulgate implementing regulations

Bill No. 34-0040 – An Act amending title 27, chapter 1 of the Virgin Islands Code by adding a new subchapter Va. Establishing the Nurse Licensure Compact to create a multi-state nursing license

Bill No. 34-0041 – An Act amending title 27 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 1, subchapter I; by amending section 7 relating to the continuing medical education requirements for permanent and institutional licensees, by inserting section 55 relating to the relating to the Good Samaritan Law, and a section 56 relating to penalties; amending; subchapter XI relating to podiatry to change the accrediting institution for graduates of podiatric medicine from the American Council on Podiatry Education of the American Podiatry Association to  the Council on Podiatric Medical Education, to establish new licensure examination, residency program and  continuing  medical education requirements; repealing sections 168g, 168h, 168i, 168j, and 168k; making technical amendments; and providing for other related purposes

Bill No. 34-0042 – An Act authorizing the members of the Board of Medical Examiners to serve temporarily as de facto board members of boards established under 3 V.I.C. 415 to establish a quorum to conduct the business of the respective board



May 04 2021


All Day


Earle B. Ottley Legislative Hall
Charlotte Amalie
Senator Donna Frett-Gregory


Senator Donna Frett-Gregory
(340) 774-0880
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