Committee on Rules and Judiciary
The Committee on Rules and the Judiciary has scheduled a meeting for Thursday, April 8, 2021 at 9:30am in the Earle B. Ottley Legislative Chambers on St. Thomas to consider the following:
Block I: 9:30am-10:45am
Bill No. 34-0005 An Act amending Title 3 Virgin Islands Code, Chapter 5, subchapter 1, section 65a, subsections (c), (d), and (e) relating to filling vacancies on boards and commissions to clarify the limitation on the number of governmental or quasi- governmental boards and commissions on which commissioners and directors of the Virgin Islands Government can serve, while serving on the board or commission of any autonomous or semi-autonomous agency; and for other related purposes (Sponsored by Senator Donna A. Frett-Gregory)
Invited Testifier:
Mr. Karl Knight
Chief of Staff
Office of the Governor
Block II: 10:45AM – 12:30 PM
Bill 34-0025 An act amending Title 3, Chapter 16, Section 273 of the Virgin Islands Code by establishing minimum criteria for Public Services Commission members and changing the number of its members Sponsored by Senator Janelle K. Sarauw
Invited Testifiers:
Mr. Donald Cole
Executive Director
VI Public Services Commission
Mr. David Hughes
VI Public Services Commission
Bill 34-0026 An act amending Title 30, Chapter 5, subchapter II, section 103 relating to the Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority to establish minimum criteria for the Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority Governing Board and changing the number of its members; and amending section 104(b) to change the number of members of the Governing Board constituting a quorum from five to four. Sponsored by Senator Janelle K. Sarauw
Lunch 12:30 PM – 1:00 PM
Block III: 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Bill No. 34-0023 – An Act amending title 12 of the Virgin Islands Code by adding a chapter 2A to establish the Invasive Species Eradication Community Program; establishing the Invasive Species Eradication Community Program Fund and an Imprest Account Fund for the payment of bounties under the Program; and appropriating $10,000 from the Animal Fund to the Invasive Species Eradication Community Program Fund Sponsored by Senators Kenneth L. Gittens and Franklin D. Johnson
Bill No. 34-0004 An Act amending title 33 Virgin Islands Code, subtitle 1, part 1, chapter 5, section 91 relating to the payment of fuel taxes to change the time for remittance of the tax to the Bureau of Internal Revenue; and section 94 relating to persons required to file returns on the fuel taxes and related products derived from oil in the Virgin Islands to except persons filing and paying fuel taxes under section 91(a) from the reporting and payment requirements of section 94. Sponsored by Senator Donna A. Frett-Gregory
Bill No. 34-0003 An Act amending title 29 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 3, subchapter I, section 235(c) relating to the time period within which the Zoning Administrator must act on a building permit application submitted to the Department of Planning Natural Resources to set time limits; requiring the Department to implement an Electronic Permitting System; amending chapter 5 section 296 relating to fees and fines for building permits to require that three (3) percent of the fees collected under that section be deposited into the Department’s Reclamation Fund for maintaining the electric permitting system; and amending title 12, section 911(f)(4) relating to the Natural Resources Reclamation Fund to include three (3) percent of the fees collected in 29 V.I.C. 296 as a funding source for the Natural Resources Reclamation Fund Sponsored by Senator Donna A. Frett-Gregory
Bill No. 34-0013 An act appropriating $2,050,000.00 from the St. Croix Capital Improvement Fund for replacement of the existing, deteriorated tender landing pier and repairs at the Ann E. Abramson Marine Terminal in Frederiksted, St. Croix Sponsored by Senator Donna A. Frett-Gregory
Bill No. 34-0014 An Act appropriating $16,000,000 from the Communities Facilities Trust Account for the four community facilities projects on St. Croix, Virgin Islands including the projects of the pier at King’s Alley Hotel in Christiansted, the dock at Gallows Bay Marine Facility and the roll-on roll-off ramp at the Gordon A. Finch Molasses Pier at Krause Lagoon Sponsored by Senator Donna A. Frett- Gregory
Bill No. 34-0008 An Act appropriating $272,000 from the St. Croix Capital Improvement Fund for of the Police Athletic League Headquarters in Estate Whim, St. Croix Sponsored by Senator Javan E. James
Bill No. 34-0020 An Act appropriating $675,000 from the Community Facility Trust Fund to the Caribbean Drag Racing Association for restoration of facilities at the St. Croix Motor Sports Complex, making an appropriation and for other related purposes. Sponsored by Senator Kurt A. Vialet
Bill No. 34-0024 An Act amending Act No. 8365, relating to the fiscal year 2021 operating budget for the Government of the Virgin Islands to appropriate $3,533,333.34 to the Department of Justice to pay the settlement agreement of Joe Harold d/b/a Vanterpool Enterprises v. Government of the Virgin Islands, to appropriate $2,000,000 to the Department of Labor for the payment of outstanding Worker’s Compensation payments to medical providers to appropriate $40,000 to Clean Sweep Frederiksted for the beautification of the town of Frederiksted; and amending Act No. 8411 to increase the Grand Total General Fund appropriations.Sponsored by Senator Kurt A. Vialet