Committee on Health, Hospitals and Human Services
Please be advised that the Committee on Health, Hospitals & Human Services will be conducting a hearing on Thursday, February 13, 2025, at 10:00 a.m., in the Frits E. Lawaetz Legislative Conference Room, on St. Croix.
The Committee will receive testimony regarding the strategic plan to address staffing shortages and the reduction of emergency room wait-times at both hospital facilities. Also, the members will be presented with an overview on the territory’s MAP program and the boarder crisis in the Gov. Juan F. Luis Hospital & Regional Medical Center and the Schneider Regional Medical Center.
Invited Testifiers:
Honorable Averil E. George, Commissioner, Department of Human Services
Tina M. Commissiong, Esq., MPA, CEO, Schneider Regional Medical Center
Hazel Philbert, Interim CEO, Gov. Juan F. Luis Hospital & Regional Medical Center
Darlene Carty-Baptiste, Incoming CEO, Gov. Juan F. Luis Hospital & Regional Medical Center
Christopher Finch, Chairman, Virgin Islands Government Health and Hospital Corporation
Edgar Phillips, Resident, St. Thomas, USVI
The members will receive an overview on the designs including final completion target dates of the Herbert Grigg Nursing Home, Queen Louise Home for the Aged, Gov. Juan F. Luis Hospital & Medical Center, Schneider Regional Medical Center, Myrah Keating Smith Community Health Center, and the Department of Human Services Complex, on St. Thomas.
Invited Testifiers:
Honorable Averil E. George, Commissioner, Department of Human Services
Christopher Finch, Chairman, Virgin Islands Government Health and Hospital Corporation
Darryl Smalls, Executive Director, Facilities and Capital Development, Territorial Hospital Redevelopment Team
Jerry Smith, Incoming Chairman, Virgin Islands Government Health and Hospital Corporation