Committee Education and Workforce Development
The Committee on Education and WorkForce Development has scheduled a meeting to receive testimony on the following bills
Block I                       10:00 AM-11:30 AM
Bill No. 34-0091 An Act amending title 17 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 5, section 41 relating to the courses of study in public schools to address gaps in education curriculum and workforce development by adding: home economics, equine studies, information technology by creating a reporting mechanism for the development and implementation of the curriculum
Sponsored by Senator Genevieve R. Whitaker
Invited Testifiers:
Honorable Racquel Berry Benjamin, Commissioner, Virgin Islands Department of Education
Dr. Michael T. Francois, Chairman, Virgin Islands Board for Career & Technical Education
Kyza Callwood, Chairman, Virgin Islands Board of Education
Rosa-Soto Thomas, President, St. Croix Federation of Teachers
Carol Callwood, President, St. Thomas-St. John Federation of Teachers
Manley Acoy, Trainer
Margarita Benjamin, President U.S. Virgin Islands Congress of Parents, Teachers and Students Association, Inc.
Dr. Suzanne Magras, Director, University of the Virgin Islands, Center for Excellence in Leadership and Learning (UVI CELL)
Dr. Chenzira Davis Kahina, Director, University of the Virgin Islands, Caribbean Cultural Center
Bill No. 34-0092 An Act amending title 17 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 5, section 41 (c) relating to courses of study in public schools to add paragraph (11) to establish a marine and environmental education course Sponsored by Senator Genevieve R. Whitaker
Invited Testifiers:
Valeria Peters, Executive Director, Virgin Islands Nature Conservancy
Honorable Jean Pierre Oriol, Commissioner, Virgin Islands Department of Planning and Natural Resources
Jennifer Valiulis, Director, St. Croix Environmental Association
Honorable Racquel Berry-Benjamin, Commissioner, Virgin Islands Department of Education
Kyza Callwood, Chairman, Virgin Islands Board of Education
Rosa Soto Thomas, President, St. Croix Federation of Teachers
Dr. Michael T. Francois, Chairman, Virgin Islands Board for Career & Technical Education
Carol Callwood, President, St. Thomas-St. John Federation of Teachers
Kemit-Amon Lewis, Marine Scientist
Lunch                        11:30 AM-12:30 PM
Block II                     12:30 PM-1:30 PM
Bill No. 34-0094 Am Act mending title 17, Virgin Islands Code, chapter 3, section 24 (a) (2) (2) to establish and mandate stakeholder engagement and participation in the development of a report for the annual assessment and evaluation of all public-schools facilities; and adding subsection € to require stakeholders to hold townhall meetings on St. Croix, St. Thomas, and St, John
Sponsored by Senator Genevieve R. Whitaker
Invited Testifiers:
Honorable Racquel Berry-Benjamin, Commissioner, Virgin Islands Department of Education
Rosa Soto Thomas, President, St. Croix Federation of Teachers
Kyza Callwood, Chairman, Virgin Islands Board of Education
Carol Callwood, President, St. Croix Federation of Teachers
Dr. Michael T. Francois, Chairman, Virgin Islands Board for Career & Technical Education
Magarita Benjamin, President, U.S. Virgin Islands Congress of Parents, Teachers and Students Association, Inc.
Block III                    1:30 PM-3:00 PM
Bill No. 34-0053 An Act amending Virgin Islands Code, title 17, chapter 5 by adding section 41i to establish the Emergency Medical Services Program; amending title 33, chapter 111 by adding section 3099a to establish the Emergency Medical Services High School Program Fund; and making a $160,000 appropriation from the Centennial Special Fund to the Department of Education to fund the Emergency Medical Services basic EMS education program
Sponsored by Senator Kenneth L. Gittens
Invited Testifiers:
Honorable Racquel Berry-Benjamin, Commissioner, Virgin Islands Department of Education
Dr. Michael T. Francois, Chairman, Virgin Islands Board for Career & Technical Education
Darryl A. George, Sr., Director, Virgin Islands Fire Services
Jacqueline Greenidge-Payne, Training Officer, EMS, Virgin Islands Department of Health
David Sweeney, EMS, Coordinator, Virgin Islands Department of Health
Nancy Callwood, State Director, Virgin Islands Office of Career and Technical Education
Bill No. 34-0093 An Act amending title 17 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 5, section 41 (c) relating to courses of study in public schools to establish a Spanish language course
Sponsored by Senator Genevieve R. Whitaker
Invited Testifiers:
Honorable Racquel Berry-Benjamin, Commissioner, Virgin Islands Department of Education
Carol Callwood, President, St. Croix Federation of Teachers
Kyza Callwood, Chairman, Virgin Islands Board of Education
Magarita Benjamin, President, U.S. Virgin Islands Congress of Parents, Teachers and Students Association, Inc.
Rosa Soto Thomas, President, St. Croix Federation of Teachers
Jose Martinez, Sr. Owner & Host, Crucian Educational Non-Profit Group, Inc.,