
2025 Budget

Governor Submits Fiscal Year Budget

About this step

Pursuant to 2 V.I.C. 24, the Governor is required to submit to the Legislature on or before May 30th the recommended budget for the succeeding fiscal year.

Conduct Overview Hearing

About this step

The Committee on Budget, Appropriations and Finance conducts a hearing with the Governor’s Financial Team to receive an overview of the current and future financial position of the government.

Conduct Budget Hearings

About this step

From June – September the Committee on Budget, Appropriations and Finance conducts hearings with all departments and agencies to review the proposed budget requests.

Conduct Wrap-Up Hearings

About this step

By mid-September, the Committee on Budget, Appropriations and Finance conducts an exit hearing with the Governor’s Financial Team to review any supplemental changes to the budget.

Senators Mark-Up Session

About this step

The Committee on Budget, Appropriation and Finance conducts a review and mark-up of the proposed budget.

Conduct Committee on Budget, Appropriation and Finance Meeting

About this step

The Committee on Budget, Appropriation and Finance meets to review and consider the budget bills prior to forwarding them to the Committee on Rules and Judiciary for further consideration.

Conduct Committee on Rules and Judiciary Meeting

About this step

The Committee on Rules and Judiciary conducts a meeting to review and consider all budget bills prior to forwarding them to the full body with the Closed Rule for further consideration.

Conduct Budget Session

About this step

Prior to the close of the current fiscal year, a legislative session is held to consider all budget bills, which are then forwarded to the Governor forfurther consideration and approval.

Governor’s Consideration of Proposed Budget

About this step

Upon approval and submission, the Governor has ten days to review and act on the submitted budget bills. Should the Governor veto any bill, the Legislature may move to override the veto in a subsequent legislative session.