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Homeland Security, Justice and Public Safety
The jurisdiction of the Committee on Homeland Security, Justice and Public Safety encompasses, and the Committee shall:
(1) receive, consider, and make recommendations on all bills relating to the Virgin Islands Territorial Emergency Management Agency (VITEMA), the Virgin Islands Air National Guard, the Virgin Islands Fire Services, the Virgin Islands Police Department, the Bureau of Corrections, Department of Justice, Emergency Medical Services, the Virgin Islands Parole Board, the Criminal Victims Compensation Commission, the Virgin Islands Witness Protection Board, and all other agencies, board and Commissions that provide related services;
(2) consider all matters pertaining to all law enforcement-related departments, agencies and divisions, involved in public safety, civil defense, fire protection, first responders, crime, penal and correctional institutions and statutes of a penal nature unless closely related to a subject delegated to another committee;
(3) receive, consider and coordinate policy recommendations and bills concerning homeland security, statutes on counterterrorism, national and territorial defense and any other emerging external threats that relate to the United States security and Virgin Islands territorial security; and
(4) receive, consider, and make recommendations on bills relating to any other board, commission or agency whose operation or nature of business is relevant to the operation of the Committee on Homeland Security, Justice and Public Safety.
Committee Videos
03-15-2023 | The Committee on Homeland Security, Justice & Public Safety
03-15-2023 | The Committee on Homeland Security, Justice & Public Safety
02.07.23 Cmte on Homeland Security
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