Committee on Education and Workforce Development/Postponed
The Committee on Education and Workforce Development has scheduled a meeting for Thursday, August 15, 2024 at 10:00 am in the Earle B. Ottley Legislative Hall to discuss the following items.
 The Committee will receive a status update from the Virgin Islands Department of the Education on the success of the summer enrichment programs, the current status of school facilities and assessment of overall school readiness including but not limited to data on teacher vacancies and recruitment efforts to fill positions, data on student enrollment, information on assignment and reassignment of principals, and the status and use of the federal funds that must be spent by September 30, 2024. The Committee will hear from the newly hired Executive Director of the Bureau of School Construction and Maintenance about his plans and goals for the territorial schools. Finally, the Board of Education and St. Croix Public School Parent Coalition will present testimony on their respective priorities for the 2024-2025 school year and any concerns that the Board and the Coalition have as the new school year begins.
   Invited Testifiers:
Honorable Dr. Dionne Wells-Hedrington, Commissioner, Virgin Islands Department of Education
Craig Benjamin, Executive Director, Bureau of School Construction and Maintenance
Dr. Kyza A. Callwood, Chairman, Virgin Islands Board of Education
Abdul Ali, Chairman, St. Croix Public School Parent Coalition
 Testifiers will provide information on the annual Educational Assistance provided to the Department of Education by EDC beneficiaries from 2020-2024; specifically, the process for the collection and transfer of funds to the Department of Education; the number of beneficiaries currently providing educational assistance, the total amount of money provided annually to the Department of Education for public school programs and initiatives, reports required to be generated to assess the success of the required assistance; and whether the legislation needs to be amended.
 Invited Testifiers:
Honorable Dr. Dionne Wells-Hedrington, Commissioner, Virgin Islands Department of Education
 Wayne Biggs, CEO, Virgin Islands Economic Development Authority