Agenda   MEETING CANCELLLED The Committee on Homeland Security, Justice and Public Safety has scheduled a meeting to receive testimony and consider bills Block I Bill No. 34-0072 An act amending title 23 Virgin Islands Code, chapter 5, providing for the...
To receive testimony and consider bills
Committee on Finance
Agenda The Committee on Finance has scheduled a meeting to receive testimony and consider bills. Bill No. 34-0078 An Act to transfer certain real property from the Government of the Virgin Islands to the Virgin Islands Port Authority; to require the Virgin Islands...
Committee on Health Hospital and Human Services
The Committee on Health Hospital and Human Services has scheduled a meeting to receive testimony and consider bills Bill No. 34-0101 An Act amending the Virgin Islands Code title 3, chapters 1 and 15, title 23, chapter 7 and title 33, section 3032 to create a new...