Committee on Education and Work Force Development
The Committee on Education and WorkForce Development has scheduled a meeting to receive testimony on the following:
Block I                       9:30 AM -12:00 PM
The state of the Unemployment Insurance. Loss Wage Assistance Program, and the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Program
Invited Testifier:ÂÂ
Honorable Gary Molloy
VI Department of Labor
Lunch            12:00 PM – 12:30 PM
Block II                     12:30 PM – 3:30 PM
The committee will also receive testimony as it pertains to workforce development, educational development, agricultural opportunities, employment opportunities, and the community development block grant workforce development award
Invited Testifiers:
Honorable Gary Molloy                                          Mr. Wayne Biggs
Commissioner                              Chief Executive Officer
VI Department of Labor                      VI Economic Development Authority
Mr. Michael Carty                           Dr. David Hall, SJD
Chairman                                  President
VI Workforce Development Board              University of the Virgin Islands
Bernard Molepske                          Frandelle Gerard
Senior Contracts Administrator                Executive Director
ICF Incorporated LLC                        Crucian Heritage and Nature Tourism
Lincoln Tang How
Tang How Brothers Inc.