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Government Operations, Veteran Affairs and Consumer Protection
The Committee on Government Operations, Veterans Affairs and Consumer Protection encompasses and the Committee shall:
(1) receive, consider and make recommendations on bills and all matters pertaining to and have investigatory authority over the Bureau of Motor Vehicles, and all government agency operations, and all other agencies not specifically provided by these Rules to be delegated to another committee and make specific findings and recommendations to the appropriate authority for final action;
(2) receive, consider, and make recommendations on all bills and executive orders relating to the reorganization of the executive branch of the Government or any department or agency of the executive branch;
(3) receive, consider, and make recommendations on all bills and matters relating to Home Rule and the Territory’s relationship with the Federal Government;
(4) unless otherwise specifically assigned to another committee, study and investigate the operation of government at all levels, to determine efficiency and economy, the implementation of legislation and the effectuation of legislative purposes and objectives, and evaluate the effect of laws and executive orders reorganizing the executive branch of the Government;
(5) receive, consider and make recommendations all bills related to the management of public records retained by Government agencies, including land and genealogical- related collections and related notaries public;
(6) serve as part of the Virgin Islands Commission on Interstate Cooperation established by 1V.I.C. §133 and perform all the functions and duties, consider and make recommendations on all bills relating to the participation of the Virgin Islands as a member of the Council of State Governments, the National Conference of State Legislatures, and the Uniform Law Commission, including the adoption of compacts, the enactment of uniform and reciprocal statutes and the interchange and clearance of research and information;
(7) receive, consider, and make recommendations on all bills relating to corporations other than financial institutions, utilities and their regulation, not specifically delegated to some other committee;
(8) receive, consider, and make recommendations on all bills relating to cemeteries, memorials, and monuments;
(9) receive, consider, and make recommendations on all bills relating to the naming of government property after persons pursuant to 31 V.I.C. § 4;
(10) receive, consider and make recommendations on bills relating to consumer protections, and licensing of businesses and professions; weights and measures, price controls, debt services businesses, consumer; contracts, and protection from fraud and deceptive practices;
(11) receive, consider and make recommendations on bills relating to veterans’ services, benefits, and other veterans’ affairs and the operation of the Office of Veterans Affairs;
(12) receive, consider, and make recommendations on bills relating to all matters concerning the government’s operations and functions that have not been assigned to another committee; and
(13) receive, consider, and make recommendations on bills relating to any other board, commission, or agency whose operation or nature of business is relevant to the operation of the Committee on Government Operations.
Committee Videos
02-28-2023 | Committee on Gov Operations, Veterans Affairs, and Consumer Protection
05-31-23 | Committee on Government Operation, Veterans Affairs, and Consumer Protection
Committee Calendar
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