legvi.org - /committeemeetings/Committee on Homeland Security, Justice, Public Safety/2023 Hearings/031523/Bills/

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ASaret of Phillipines.pdf
Attorney General Office - Jacobs.pdf
AVeliz of Venezuela.pdf
Banking and Insurance - Matthew.pdf
Bill 35-0013.pdf
Bureau of Motor Vehicle.pdf
DLorenzo of Dominican Republic.pdf
Jamea testimony .pdf
James E. Crites.pdf
JPineda of Phllipines.pdf
LRenee St. Lucia.pdf
Maher Abdiljabar.pdf
NJnBaptiste - StLucia.pdf
Pash Daswani.pdf
Pastor Eddy Fleury.pdf
Roosevelt St. C David.pdf
VI Insurance Association.pdf
VIPD Testimony 35-0013.pdf